
By dezgo | Updated 2 months ago | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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Python: How to send an image2image request

Rapid account: Thedevelopermoses

Iโ€™ve been trying to send a request using the image2image API endpoint, the text2image works just fine but I canโ€™t seem to get the image2image to work. i always get a response 500. it seems my main problem is how to send the image to the server. The standard python format is to send the image as a base64 string but this causes a response 500. sending the image as a binary file also causes a response 500. Using the example Python (requests) code sample also causes a response 500.

i would appreciate a simple working python example code snippet of sending a request (with an image) to the image2image API endpoint.

Rapid account: Dezgo
dezgo Commented 10 months ago

I think this could be a serialization issue.

Hereโ€™s a working Python example to get you started:

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