US Hospitals

By dotenv | Updated 2 ore fa | Health and Fitness

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Health Check



How to look up a U.S. Hospital

There are 2 ways you can search for a hospital. You can search by a hospital’s name or its CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) number. This API provides 2 endpoints, eepending on your use case:

  1. getHospitalsByName for name searches
  2. getHospitalsById for CMS searches

Searching a hospital is very easy. All you need to do is to append the parameter ?name=[your_search]or ?ccn=[your_search] to the base url

⚠️ Update: You can now search hospitals by city. To do this, use the base url with parameter ?name=[city_name]

Your Url Parameters

name: hospital name or city, type string

ccn: hospital cms number, type string


The api will return a JSON-object of hospitals.


[{Provider CCN:   50597,
Hospital Name:    "Emanate Health Foothill Presbyterian Hospital",
Alias:            "Emanate Health Foothill Presb. Hosp.",
Url:              "",
Phone:            "(626)963-8411",
Service:          "General medical and surgical",
Type:             "Rehabilitation",
Approval Codes:   "Medicare certification by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,,The Joint Commission accreditation,The Joint Commission accreditation,Residency training approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education,",
Street Address:   "250 South Grand Avenue",
City:            "Glendora",
State Code:      "CA",
Zip Code:        "91741-4218",
County:          "Los Angeles",
Medicare CBSA Number:    31084,
Rural Versus Urban:     "U",
Control:                "Other not-for-profit (including NFP Corporation)",
Number of Beds:         105,
Parent Unit:            null,
Affiliated Units:       null,
System:    {
            Name:    "Emanate Health",
            City:    "Covina"
State:                "CA"}]

Additional Information

JSON Field Meaning Type
Provider CCN Hospital CMS number integer
Hospital Name Name of the hospital string
Alias Alternative name for hospital string
Parent Unit Parent institution owning the hospital string
Affiliated Units Other institutions affiliated to hospital JSON-Object


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