Rapid account: TextractionAI

TextractionAI / TextractionAI


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Hello, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We have identified and resolved a technical issue related to Rapid API's plans in coordination with their team. Please subscribe to a new plan [here](https://rapidapi.com/TextractionAI/api/ai-textraction/pricing), and the issue should be resolved immediately. We are here to assist you further and are available for any additional information or support you might need. Best regards, Textraction.ai Team Wed 2:29 15/5/24
Hello, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We have identified and resolved a technical issue related to Rapid API's plans in coordination with their team. Please subscribe to a new plan [here](https://rapidapi.com/TextractionAI/api/ai-textraction/pricing), and the issue should be resolved immediately. We are here to assist you further and are available for any additional information or support you might need. Best regards, Textraction.ai Team Wed 2:29 15/5/24
Hello, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We have identified and resolved a technical issue related to Rapid API's plans in coordination with their team. Please subscribe to a new plan [here](https://rapidapi.com/TextractionAI/api/ai-textraction/pricing), and the issue should be resolved immediately. We are here to assist you further and are available for any additional information or support you might need. Best regards, Textraction.ai Team Wed 2:29 15/5/24
Hello, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We have identified and resolved a technical issue related to Rapid API's plans in coordination with their team. Please subscribe to a new plan [here](https://rapidapi.com/TextractionAI/api/ai-textraction/pricing), and the issue should be resolved immediately. We are here to assist you further and are available for any additional information or support you might need. Best regards, Textraction.ai Team Wed 2:28 15/5/24
Hi, We are thrilled to inform you that we have expanded the entity extraction limit in a single request from 12 to 30. We hope this enhancement will benefit your experience and enable you to make the best out of our service. Best regards, Textraction.ai Team Tue 2:45 16/4/24
Hi, Thank you for reaching out. In order to be able to assist more efficiently, please provide exact details of your request (input & entities) and full information regarding the error you encounter (e.g. error code). If you'd like, you can send this information as a private message, or as an email to info@textraction.ai. Best regards, Textraction.ai Team Sun 7:42 7/4/24