Rapid account: Support@MapTilesApi

Support@MapTilesApi / MapTilesApi


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Hello ValePortMapAPI, RapidAPI currently only supports paying by credit card. mié. 8:44 20/3/24
Hello, no, you cannot use lat/lon to request tiles. The z/x/y arguments follow the slippy map tiling scheme to display a map. Normally you would use a framwork like e.g. LeafletJS, OpenLayers, MapLibre or a derivative of those like flutter_map to request tiles and display a map by requesting the right tiles. If you do need to access single tiles and only have lat and lon, you would first have to define the zoom level you want (from 0 = world to 19 = few houses) and then calculate the x and y values, here you will find some examples for those calculations: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames And to explain this further: frameworks like LeafletJS or MapLibre etc. would need an input by lat/lon to display a map. Those frameworks do the calculations to display a map on a website based on lat/lon by requesting the right tiles for an area defined by your lat/lon input. So based on what you want to achieve (e.g. show a map at location lat/lon in a website?) you should use a framework like e.g. Leaflet to get the result you want. mar. 5:31 14/11/23
To check if you are subscribed you can log in and visit this page: https://rapidapi.com/MapTilesApi/api/maptiles/pricing (it should say: "Currently subscribed" under the plan you subscribed to and the buttons for all other plans should be labeled "Change plan"). If you are not subscribed, the RapidAPI proxy would send a 401 response on the first request and 429 responses on subsequent requests (translated: don't send so many requests against a forbidden endpoint for you), so you would have to subscribe first and grab your API key. mar. 9:54 27/9/22
To check if you are subscribed you can log in and visit this page: https://rapidapi.com/MapTilesApi/api/maptiles/pricing (it should say: "Currently subscribed" under the plan you subscribed to and the buttons for all other plans should be labeled "Change plan"). If you are not subscribed, the RapidAPI proxy would send a 401 response on the first request and 429 responses on subsequent requests (translated: don't send so many requests against a forbidden endpoint for you), so you would have to subscribe first and grab your API key. mar. 9:54 27/9/22
Hi, unfortunately RapidAPI does not support the feature of locking an API key to a domain (referrer). And even that would not be 100% save as anyone could spoof a referrer. Nevertheless we never saw a stolen or misused API key so far. RapidAPI does support key rotation in case you would see any unusual requests (see https://docs.rapidapi.com/docs/keys ). We've sent you some further options for more API key security by mail (should arrive in a few minutes). mar. 10:47 29/3/22
Hi Josh, have you seen our tutorial here: https://rapidapi.com/MapTilesApi/api/retina-tiles/tutorials/using-retina-tiles-with-leaflet-to-display-a-map-on-a-website ? As a TileLayer URL in Leaflet you would need: `https://retina-tiles.p.rapidapi.com/local/osm{r}/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY` if you want Leaflet to choose between standard and retina tiles (Leaflet will then fill the `{r}`var with either `@2x`to retrieve retina tiles for high resolution displays or `` for displays without high resolution). Otherwise you can use: `https://retina-tiles.p.rapidapi.com/local/osm@2x/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY` to always get retina tiles or `https://retina-tiles.p.rapidapi.com/local/osm/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY` to always get standard tiles. In each case you'll just have to replace `YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY` with your X-RapidAPI-Key and then you are good to go. mar. 7:43 15/3/22