328 Guides


All posts are related to the "API" category.

Ahmad BilalAhmad AwaisSaad Irfan

A deep dive into Rapid API Client VS Code Extension

Rapid's API Client VS Code Extension brings a fully functional HTTP Client to your VS Code. In this piece, let’s take a critical look at this extension.

Ahmad AwaisAhmad Bilal

Ten Interesting Web App Ideas That Use APIs

APIs are a fundamental part of the web, and there are countless APIs providing access to all kinds of data for web applications. This guide will cover some interesting Web projects for your portfolio that use APIs, and every project includes a demo and a how-to guide.

API Docs for REST

REST API documentation provides a clear and structured explanation of how to use the API, including its endpoints, parameters, and responses.

What is API Fuzzing?

API fuzzing is a software testing technique that involves sending a large volume of random inputs to an API to uncover vulnerabilities.

API vs Webhooks

In this guide, we will explore the differences between APIs and webhooks, their use cases, and how to choose the right approach for your project.

How to use Axios with OpenAI API?

In this guide, we'll learn how to use Axios to make HTTP requests with the OpenAI API for powerful AI-powered natural language processing.

How to use Axios with different data formats?

Learn how to use Axios to make HTTP requests with various data formats such as JSON and XML.

Build an AI Text Shortener App with Rapid's API Hub and Next.js

Build a full-stack project using React, Next.js, and Rapid's API Hub. This tutorial covers advanced concepts to create dynamic web pages and powerful backends.

How to use Fetch API with React Native?

Fetch API is a built-in web API in React Native that allows you to make network requests to fetch resources from a server using promises, making it easy to handle data.

How to Implement Caching with Local Storage using Axios?

In this guide, we will explore how to implement caching with local storage using Axios, a popular HTTP client library for JavaScript.

How to Use Axios in React Native

In this guide, we will learn how to use Axios in React Native to make API calls and fetch data from a server.

How to handle large data sets with Axios?

Axios offers a powerful solution for handling large data sets through the use of streams, which allows for fetching data in chunks and avoiding memory issues.

How to use Tokens and Cookies for Axios Authentication?

Let's learn how to authenticate Axios requests using tokens and cookies in this guide.

How to make DELETE requests with Axios?

In this guide we will learn how to use Axios, a popular JavaScript library, to make DELETE requests and manage resources on web servers.

Axios vs XMLHttpRequest

Axios and XMLHttpRequest are both powerful tools for sending and receiving HTTP requests, but differ in syntax, browser compatibility and ease of use.

How to configure default options for Axios requests?

Set default headers and timeouts for your Axios requests to enhance performance and security. This guide can help ensure consistent behavior and reliable functionality.

Develop and launch an enhanced Spotify 2.0 clone music app using React 18, Tailwind, Redux, and Rapid API Hub (Part 1)

Learn the process of constructing and launching a modern React.js music player application using Rapid API Hub.

Mastering API Documentation: Best Practices and Tools

Discover the importance of API documentation, its essential elements, tools, and best practices. Our guide will help you write effective API docs.

Omar I.Mashhood A.

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles Using an API: A Step-by-Step Guide (Part-2)

Learn how to create a safe Node.js mini backend for storing API keys and enhancing your Sudoku-solving procedure.

How to use Axios with Angular?

In this guide, you'll learn how to use Axios with Angular to send HTTP requests, handle responses, and create Angular services to handle Axios requests.

How to Use Axios for HTTP PUT and PATCH Requests?

Axios is a simple and popular JavaScript library for making HTTP requests, including PUT and PATCH requests for updating resources on a server.

How to handle Axios timeouts?

In this guide, we'll see how to use Axios to set a timeout on HTTP requests to prevent the application from getting stuck.

A brief introduction to Axios

Axios is a popular library for making HTTP requests and handling responses in web applications. It has a simple API and many useful features.

How to use Axios with Vue.js?

Learn how to use Axios with Vue.js to create modern web apps that use real-world data. Install, import, and test Axios in your Vue.js project.

How to upload files in React app using Axios?

In this guide we will walk you through the process of uploading files in a React app with Axios, including handling server responses and leveraging the FormData object for easy file uploads.

Everything you need to know about Node.js fetch API

In this guide, we'll look at the basics, usage, and features of Node.js fetch API, a powerful tool for fetching resources from a server or endpoint.

How to use node-fetch in TypeScript?

node-fetch is commonly used in server-side JavaScript applications for making HTTP requests and handling responses with ease and simplicity.

Omar I.Mashhood A.

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles Using an API: A Step-by-Step Guide (Part-1)

Learn to solve Sudoku puzzles using an API from RapidAPI and style it according to your own requirements.

How to call an API using JavaScript?

This guide will cover the basics of calling APIs using JavaScript. We'll discuss the different types of APIs and how to choose the right one for your project. We'll also cover the various methods for making API requests.