Rapid account: grammarbot

grammarbot / grammarbot


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@mondretysivakumar - I'm sorry, but you will have to contact RapidAPI regarding the SSL Error. We are just an API provider -- we don't handle the connection to the API endpoint on rapidapi.com. ה׳ 3:53 19/10/23
Thank you for your questions and comments. There are too many rules to manually disable all of them through the disabledRules parameter. It's meant to be used sparingly, and it is undocumented because it's not something that we want customers to rely on. We only mention it in cases where someone asks specifically for this functionality. Most of our efforts have focused on the next generation neural network grammar checker here: https://rapidapi.com/grammarbot/api/grammarbot-neural/details While we still support the original GrammarBot service, we are primarily improving and documenting the newer service. Thanks! ד׳ 6:18 30/8/23
@mondretysivakumar - I'm sorry, but you will have to contact RapidAPI regarding the SSL Error. We are just an API provider -- we don't handle the connection to the API endpoint on rapidapi.com. ה׳ 3:53 19/10/23
Thank you for your questions and comments. There are too many rules to manually disable all of them through the disabledRules parameter. It's meant to be used sparingly, and it is undocumented because it's not something that we want customers to rely on. We only mention it in cases where someone asks specifically for this functionality. Most of our efforts have focused on the next generation neural network grammar checker here: https://rapidapi.com/grammarbot/api/grammarbot-neural/details While we still support the original GrammarBot service, we are primarily improving and documenting the newer service. Thanks! ד׳ 6:18 30/8/23
If you are wanting to use auto correction, then you will need to use our higher accuracy API - GrammarBot Neural. It can be found here: https://rapidapi.com/grammarbot/api/grammarbot-neural/ With GrammarBot Neural, if you include the optional parameter "correction" and give it a value of "xml", then the API response will include a "correction_xml" field. This can be embedded directly into an HTML document and styled with CSS. I hope this helps, but let me know if you have more questions. Here are some links with additional information: * Enabling Auto-Correction: https://docs.grammarbot.io/request/#auto-correct * API Response Parameters: https://docs.grammarbot.io/response/#response-parameters ג׳ 12:25 6/6/23
Please visit the following URL to demo our new state of the art checker: https://gdemo-pukjs.ondigitalocean.app/ This newer system will be available in the next few weeks (signup for the waiting list to be notified). This new system includes autocorrection, near human accuracy, and other features. Please let me know if you have any questions. ה׳ 1:19 5/1/23