Rapid account: Realty Mole

Realty Mole / moneals

We provide real estate and property data APIs for developers.


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Hi there, Sorry for the late reply! I realize this is an old thread, and I'm just now jumping into the conversation, but if you are still having any issues with any of our API endpoints, please let me know! Kevin Willow Realty Mole Support чтв 8:37 16/6/22
Hi there, Sorry for the late reply! As long as you are not violating the RapidAPI Terms of Use (https://rapidapi.com/terms), as well as the Realty Mole Terms of Use (https://www.realtymole.com/terms-of-use), your will not be suspended for the normal use of our API. If your monthly request volume exceeds the limit of the pricing plan you are currently subscribed to, you will be charged a per-call fee that is applicable for your plan. Please view the Pricing tab for our API (https://rapidapi.com/moneals/api/rent-estimate/pricing) to see which plan you are currently on. Kevin Willow Realty Mole Support чтв 8:35 16/6/22
Hi there, Sorry for the late reply! For multi-family properties, our API is designed to return rent estimates for a single unit, not the entire building. So, when you are passing specific property attributes in your request (ex. "bedrooms", "bathrooms", "squareFootage"), you should also provide values for a single unit that you'd like to get a rent estimate for, not a combined total for the whole building. Kevin Willow Realty Mole Support чтв 8:32 16/6/22
Hi there, Sorry for the late reply! The "distance" measurement/property is always returned in kilometers via our API. Kevin Willow Realty Mole Support чтв 8:30 16/6/22
Hi there, Sorry for the late reply! Are you using the RapidAPI "Test Endpoint" feature, or are you copying the provided code snippets into your own application/code? If you are having issues specially with the RapidAPI "Test Endpoint" feature, I would send them an email directly to support@rapidapi.com, as we do not directly control the code snippets that they display. If you are having any issues using our API directly in your own code, please let me know and I'm happy to help you further! Kevin Willow Realty Mole Support чтв 8:29 16/6/22
Hi there, Sorry for the late reply! We do not return any property images via our API, as they are typically considered copyrighted by the person/website that originally created each rental listing. Kevin Willow Realty Mole Support чтв 8:26 16/6/22