Rapid account: Olusegun Faith Emmanuel

Olusegun Faith Emmanuel / propenster

I am Faith, a.ka Propenster. I am a software developer with skillset in JAVA, Python, PHP, and more recently C#/.NET.


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Thank you for using this API. You may use the **iso_region** or **iso_country** or **municipality** in the search endpoint to narrow down the search for location or search by type e.g **heliport** in your case. See below: For your use case: You may search 'heliport' to get all heliports and narrow down the search by sorting the results by either of **iso_region** or **iso_country** or **municipality** or **longitude and latitude** I will make an update to the v1 API that will have the following endpoints to search with specific parameters e.g: 1. GetAirportsByType: https://{baseUrl}/api/Airports/GetAirportsByType?type=heliport 2. GetAirportsByIataCode: https:/{baseUrl}/api/Airports/GetAirportsByIATACode?iata_code=UTK 3. GetByCountry: https://{baseUrl}/api/Airports/GetAirportsByISOCountry?iso_country=DE 4. GetAirportsInCityOrState https://localhost:44331/api/Airports/GetAirportsByCityOrState?city_code=LAS { id:"f34a62e5-7f5c-4cde-831c-255c7e90123b" ident:"SNAR" type:"small_airport" name:"Cirilo Queiróz Airport" latitude_deg:"-16.1838900000000000000000" longitude_deg:"-40.667220000000000000" elevation_ft:"640" continent:"SA" iso_country:"BR" iso_region:"BR-MG" municipality:"Almenara" scheduled_service:"no" gps_code:"SNAR" iata_code:"AMJ" local_code:"SNAR" home_link:"NULL" wikipedia_link:"NULL" keywords:"NULL" isDeleted:false isActive:true createdAt:"2022-10-03T17:10:32.845893Z" updateAt:"2022-10-03T17:10:32.845894Z" modifiedAt:"2023-03-24T19:37:13.1195386+00:00" } Fri 7:50 24/3/23