Chatbot chatari

By CodeWhiteWeb | Updated 16 дней назад | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
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Chatbot API

base API url without Rapid API access :- Here Use only when Rapid API is unable serve request with different parameter

whole list of possible parameters

Parameter Type Description
name string
gender string
developer_name string
user string
age string
birthday string
birthplace string
birthyear string
religion string
actor string
actress string
artist string
author string
band string
book string
color string
food string
movie string
opera string
season string
show string
song string
sport string
subject string
football string
celebrity string
chinesesign string
family string
ethics string
etype string
baseball string
city string
state string
class string
country string
company string
email string
wechat string
wear string
vocab string
version string
totalcli string
species string
sign string
scspecies string
scsign string
scnationality string
scmaster string
scgender string
scfavouritecolor string
scfavouritefood string
sccountry string
sccompany string
sccity string
scchinesesign string
language2 string
hockey string
job string
music string
celebrities string
orientation string
phylum string
president string
Language Name Language Code
Automatic auto
Afrikaans af
Irish ga
Albanian sq
Italian it
Arabic ar
Japanese ja
Azerbaijani az
Kannada kn
Basque eu
Korean ko
Bengali bn
Latin la
Belarusian be
Latvian lv
Bulgarian bg
Lithuanian lt
Catalan ca
Macedonian mk
Chinese Simplified zh-CN
Malay ms
Chinese Traditional zh-TW
Maltese mt
Croatian hr
Norwegian no
Czech cs
Persian fa
Danish da
Polish pl
Dutch nl
Portuguese pt
English en
Romanian ro
Esperanto eo
Russian ru
Estonian et
Serbian sr
Filipino tl
Slovak sk
Finnish fi
Slovenian sl
French fr
Spanish es
Galician gl
Swahili sw
Georgian ka
Swedish sv
German de
Tamil ta
Greek el
Telugu te
Gujarati gu
Thai th
Haitian Creole ht
Turkish tr
Hebrew iw
Ukrainian uk
Hindi hi
Urdu ur
Hungarian hu
Vietnamese vi
Icelandic is
Welsh cy
Indonesian id
Yiddish yi
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