Invarivision ISS - automatic video recognition

By EDV | Updated hace 13 días | Tools
Health Check



Invarivision Search System (ISS) is the solution for automatic recognition of video content.

*For video hosting services

Any owner of video hosting, on which users can upload their videos, faces with several standard problems such as duplicate videos, videos protected by copyright, videos forbidden to be shown by law or unwanted for various reasons. Simple solutions cannot provide reliable results. The only one way to fully protect is the video analysis directly.

*Search of duplicates

Search of duplicates on a hosting can be divided into two different tasks

  1. Search of complete or partial coincidences of video clips. Generation of reports about coincidences. The authors of the video need reports to have complete information about video clips performed in terms of their copyright. Reports are interesting for audience of video clips; they see original video at once. The search of duplicates can be also used to remove excess video from the storage and create additional space.
  2. It allows detection of complete or partial coincidence with the existing content in the video uploaded by user. This information can be then used for automatic decision-making if it is necessary to upload video or not. For example, the author may prohibit load of derivative video clips on the web hosting.

*Black lists

The use of black lists automatically prohibits downloading of the video with inappropriate content (extremist video, pornography, etc.). Moreover, the pre-scan of the video input allows you to find even a partial presence of inappropriate content (small pieces). The use of black lists gives system administrators a powerful tool for automatic moderation of videos uploaded by users.

*Control of video protected by copyright

Copyright protection agency transfers movies, which presence on hosting should be prevented. The system allows finding coincidences in new videos and in already present videos on the web hosting after analyzing and addition of the video in database. The system finds even small duration pieces from different movies – from two seconds or more. The system then generates the list of matched fragments. According to this list it is possible to automatically take decision about breach of copyright.
More detailed ISS REST API documentation can be found here:

API-Client example:

Here are some internal video links for testing (you should insert it to “Film URL” field and then click “Scan”)

API-Client PHP source code can be download here:

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