Jobs API

By Patrick | Updated vor 20 Tagen | Jobs

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Job Type Search

Rapid account: Jparocha 777
vor 4 Monaten

Ive noticed that upon searching for full time, part time, intern or contractor, it returns full time options. Ive tried using multiple with “;”, and singled out options, but im always getting full time. Id love any help i can get, thanks!

Rapid account: Pat 92
Pat92 Commented vor 4 Monaten


Thank you for your question, yes you are correct, I misspelled the parameter in the endpoint.
It was called emplyomentTypes, but it should be employmentTypes.

The endpoint definition is now updated with the correct name and the filtering is working as expected.

Here is also a quick information on how to use the employment-type filter, should other users have questions regarding it:
With the filter you can decide what types of employment you would like to return.
You can use multiple employment-types and separate them by semicolon, i.e. employmentTypes=contractor;parttime;….
The following types are allowed:

  • contractor
  • fulltime
  • parttime
  • intern

If you wish to get all the possible types, you can either omit the parameter completely, or alternatively add all the types.

If you have any further problems or questions, feel free to reach out.

Best regards

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