Instagram Scrapper โ€“ Posts & Reels & Stories Downloader

By SocialScrapper | Updated vor einem Monat | Media

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Ability to scrap private accounts

Rapid account: Sofialopez 120499
vor einem Monat

I need to get data from a private account, which I can follow from my personal account.

Is there an option to connect my profile to your API, so I can get a followers, followings, media and highlights with your endpoints?

Rapid account: Social Scrapper
SocialScrapper Commented vor einem Monat

Hello, @sofialopez120499!

Instagram have a strict limit for a parsing volume that could cause a ban for an account used for parsing.

  • For example: you could get ~5k followers per day from one account before it gets banned.

We donโ€™t want to put your personal accounts at risk of getting banned, so there is no option to use your account access token in our endpoints.

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