E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain

By Top-Rated | Updated 9 days ago | Commerce

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Validation Quality is Too Low

Rapid account: Serge 21
2 years ago

I have created my script of validating email address. It has 13 different services of email validation.

I tested my script within a week with a bunch of random invalid and suspicious email addresses and I can say that this API has a huge false positive ratio based on my data. For some reason it approves almost every junk address.

Could you tell me why is it so?

Rapid account: Top Rated
Top-Rated Commented 2 years ago

For complete e-mail addresses, we mostly go by known abusers, known bots, etc. We also do some heuristics on the actual e-mail address.

We won’t attempt deliveries to e-mail addresses that are being checked, since that’s prone to get our servers blocked for attempted spamming, since we do hundreds of thousands lookups per day.

random-firstname.random-lastname(at)gmail.com for example, would probably pass our checks, while ezratmp+2pubd(at)gmail.com should be blocked, since that’s a known abuser.

That being said…

For e-mail domains though, we should be among the top, if not the best, at detecting invalid, suspicious or disposable domains.

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