By Moh | Updated a month ago | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
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Welcome to the documentation for our NLP API!

Our NLP API provides various natural language processing services including language detection, sentence detection, tokenization, named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, chunking, and parsing. These services can be accessed via simple HTTP requests.

Benefits and Features:

Accurate and reliable NLP services that can help you extract valuable insights from your text data.
Supports multiple languages, including English, German, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, and Swedish.
Easy to use API with clear and concise documentation.
Scalable and can handle large volumes of data.
Getting Started:
To get started with our NLP API, you need to obtain an API key by registering on our website. Once you have an API key, you can use it to authenticate your requests to the API.

The base URL for our API is You can access different endpoints by appending the appropriate path to the base URL. For example, to access the language detection endpoint, you can use the path /api/v1/nlp/language-detection.

API Endpoints:
Our NLP API supports the following endpoints:

/api/v1/nlp/language-detection: Detect the language of a given input text.
/api/v1/nlp/sentence-detection: Detect the sentences in a given input text.
/api/v1/nlp/tokenization: Tokenize a given input text.
/api/v1/nlp/name-finder: Find names in the sentences of a given input text.
/api/v1/nlp/part-of-speech-tagger: Tag the parts of speech in the sentences of a given input text.
/api/v1/nlp/chunker: Chunk the sentences of a given input text based on the given parts of speech.
/api/v1/nlp/parser: Parse the given input text.

All of the above endpoints support POST requests and require specific request and response classes, which are documented in the API documentation.

Rate Limiting:
To ensure fair usage of our NLP API, we have implemented rate limiting. Each API key is limited to a certain number of requests per day. If you exceed the rate limit, your requests will be rejected until the next day.

We hope you find our NLP API useful and valuable for your natural language processing needs. If you have any questions or feedback, please donโ€™t hesitate to contact us at

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