Telegram Channel

By Akra Koro | Updated 22 days ago | Social

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Some Improvements

Rapid account: Suj 00 Rit 20
a month ago

There are a couple of improvements we need in this API:

  1. For Messages, could you please introduce an offset_id? Itโ€™ll be like a message_id before which we can scrape messages? Like they do in telethon libraryโ€ฆ Currently we get only 100 most recent messages.
  2. Provide more details in channel info -> whether it is a channel or a group. If it is a group, the group member channel names.
  3. Add Channel ID to message and channel info responses?
Rapid account: Akrakoro
akrakoro Commented a month ago

Thank you for reaching out to us. Your suggestions have been invaluable in improving our API. Here are some key points related to the message and info APIs:

  1. The message API has a parameter called max_id. The API response excludes messages with an ID greater than the max_id.

  2. The info API response includes a field called chat_type, which can take on values such as channel, group, or unknown.

  3. The id field is already present in the info API.

Thank you for your contribution in making our API better. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

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