Telegram Channel

By Akra Koro | Updated 22 days ago | Social

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Rapid account: Deleted
10 months ago

Hey folks, is there a way to filter the messages in the output by date?

Iโ€™d like to avoid having to do it on my end.


Rapid account: Akrakoro
akrakoro Commented 10 months ago

Could you please provide me with the channel name that you requested but received an empty array? I want to investigate the issue further. Thank you.

Rapid account: Deleted
[deleted] Commented 10 months ago

Hey there - it would be great to be able to filter on a date without time. Date in the ISO format (2023-06-27) .Also, for some reason, the end-point doesnโ€™t pull out all messages. There are blank messages (with empty arrays), and sometimes extracts donโ€™t go further than the same day.

Rapid account: Akrakoro
akrakoro Commented 10 months ago

Hey, could you please provide more details about the date? Specifically, you prefer either the last 5 minutes or from 2023-06-27 xx:xx:xx?

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