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By Andres Olvera | Updated 21일 전 | Data

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Incorrect Request Type and Response

Rapid account: Rlgreen 91
7년 전

Why do you have a POST endpoint to get data? That doesn’t make sense - you use a POST request to create data. This should become a GET endpoint. Then, the response status of 200 will make sense - a POST endpoint creates data, so it should return a 204 - Created upon success. The 200 - ok status fits with a successful GET request.

Rapid account: Nitran
Nitran Commented 5년 전

thanks mate, good job 😃

Rapid account: Rlgreen 91
rlgreen91 Commented 7년 전

Thanks, I really appreciate it!

Rapid account: Andruxnet
andruxnet Commented 7년 전

Just added the GET endpoint for you.

Rapid account: Andruxnet
andruxnet Commented 7년 전

I understand what you mean, but this is the way it was setup at the beginning, and I have used it in many projects that I no longer have access to, so if I change it those projects will misbehave.

What I can do is create another endpoint, GET, and you can consume the API using the new one. Will that work?

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