Wine Recognition

By API 4 AI | Updated 25 дней назад | Visual Recognition

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How to start using Wine Recognition API with Rapid API

Our Wine Recognition API represents a sophisticated solution for meticulously analyzing wine label images. With a keen focus on precision and accuracy, it adeptly identifies crucial details such as the wine’s nomenclature, varietal classification, and potential vintage designation. Leveraging state-of-the-art image processing techniques and finely honed algorithms, our API delivers reliable and insightful outcomes, thereby elevating your proficiency in the realm of wines. This tool holds the capacity to substantially enhance your wine-related insights and contribute to informed decision-making.

Acquiring the key through Rapid API

Step 1. Logging in to Rapid API

To begin, navigate to the login page of Rapid API at and enter your account credentials.

If you are a first-time user of Rapid API, it will prompt you to provide some information about yourself.

Step 2. Subscribing to Wine Recognition API

Next, visit the Wine Recognition API pricing page at Choose the subscription plan that best suits your requirements.

Once you have selected a plan, click on the subscribe button. You will receive a confirmation message stating “Subscription Created Successfully.”

Step 3. Retrieving the API Key from the Dashboard

Access your Rapid API dashboard by either clicking on “Manage And View Usage” under your subscribed plan or visiting

Expand one of your applications within the dashboard and click on the “Authorization” tab.

You will find a list of authorization keys. Simply copy one of them, and voilà! You now have your Wine Recognition API key.

Step 4. Test API

To evaluate the functionality of the API, execute the provided Python code snippet.
It is important to remember to replace API_KEY with your actual API key before running the code.

import sys

import requests
from requests.adapters import Retry, HTTPAdapter

API_URL = ''
API_KEY = 'YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY'  # Place your API key here

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # We strongly recommend you use exponential backoff.
    error_statuses = (408, 409, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504)
    s = requests.Session()
    retries = Retry(backoff_factor=1.5, status_forcelist=error_statuses)

    s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))

    url = f'{API_URL}/v1/results'
    with open('img.jpg', 'rb') as f:
        api_res =, headers={'X-RapidAPI-Key': API_KEY},
                         files={'image': f}, timeout=20)
    api_res_json = api_res.json()

    # Handle processing failure.
    if (api_res.status_code != 200 or
            api_res_json['results'][0]['status']['code'] == 'failure'):
        print('Image processing failed.')

    probs = api_res_json['results'][0]['entities'][0]['classes']
    print(f'? Probabilities:\n{probs}')

More code examples

Our repository with code example have more example for different languages.
Visit it at or proceed to code examples using direct links:


Wine Recognition presents an autonomous and self-contained solution tailored to meet the needs of both wine and food enterprises. Seamlessly incorporable into mobile applications, its versatile integration potential opens doors to a diverse array of applications. From inclusion within the offerings of prominent retail emporiums to niche establishments such as exclusive wine boutiques, the scope of its implementation is extensive and adaptable.