
By apicloud | Updated 13 days ago | Media
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Psychologist and Programmer Develop Killer App

Rapid account: Davidhuttner
9 years ago

Hi, Iā€™m a psychologist (mostly self-taught, have only a BA in that subject). You can check out the newest versions of my books at DavidHuttnerBooks.com. I know what goes on unconsciously in our minds when we look at a face and rate it for beauty. You and I could develop an app the improves tremendously upon Tinder. Instead of throwing up thousands of faces, it would throw only the one, two or three that the client would find most beautiful and need for his monogamous or group (threesome or foursome) marriage. We could use this app not only to make money but to help overcome homophobia and enable everyone to love. Well, almost everyone, Donald Trump maybe beyond hope. If we enable the masked, Orwellian, latent homosexuals who increasingly dominate our savage and unsustainable world to love; they will cease to be the monsters that they are, and we will get humanity off its suicide track. Interested? Call me: 516-450-1583.

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