A cache is much like the favorites on your web browser but in reverse. When you go to websites, the sites often need to quickly access information from your computer to improve the user experience.
With some systems, the user is able to store his or her passwords to log into certain websites faster. Caches work in a similar way when you go to the same website. Certain processes are stored so that you can access the website faster.
Now that we understand what a cache does, how does it pertain to API (Application Programming Interface)? A cache in this regard is similar, but it is a saved network request and response rather than a website process. Using a cache API allows users to use third-party applications directly from your website. Have you ever visited a website that pulled up Google Maps to help you locate the establishment? This is a cache API. The use of cache API also removes the headers that would be otherwise more apparent.
Caching REST API Response
The more work the computer has to do means the longer the process will take. Caching rest API response is the process in which we try to prevent the computer from having to find the same result multiple times. In searching for images of frogs, you would not want your search results to be several images of the same picture. This would slow down your end result just like it would in the search for several requests and responses.
How to Cache API Responses
The system works by setting up stations along the request path where the needed information is kept accessible. This allows the application to be pulled up much faster than it otherwise could be. There are other approaches to using caches, such as cache-control max-age, where the caches can determine the maximum age of content before it becomes irrelevant.
The parameters of caches vary widely because of the capabilities that websites have. Every time hat a website is accessed, it checks the things that it is allowed to access on your computer.
Why is This Important?
When your caches are cleared, the processes performed by your computer may take a few moments longer upon first sign in. Clearing the caches can sometimes be a valid trouble shooting step. For instance, there are times when the data stored in caches by a website or network can be malicious in nature.