At RapidAPI, we care a lot about developers. Our DevRel team works with amazing RapidAPI Developers Experts to produce fantastic yet free video courses using fun challenges (with solutions!) and some that even include complete full-stack development tutorials with 10+ hours of content. Check them out.
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Free API Development Video Courses
Find over 28 free full-stack API development courses below:
Wordle Clone in JavaScript!
In this video, I show you my approach to creating the game of Wordle in JavaScript, with the added benefit of using API’s in order to generate random 5 letter words for us, and check if the words we are using for our guesses exist!
Build and Deploy 5 JavaScript & React API Projects in 10 Hours
Welcome to the ultimate course, which will help you become a master of APIs by Building Real Industry Applications. In this compilation of videos, you’ll build a Travel Companion App, a Cryptocurrency App, a Real Estate App, a Google Clone App, as well as create your own API!
Master the use of APIs and API Testing | Complete Crash Course
In this video, you’ll learn what an API is and how to create and deploy your APIs. You’ll also learn about the concepts of REST & CRUD. And finally, we’re going to pick a few publicly available APIs to do API Testing.
5 API Projects in 5 hours
In this video, Ania shows you how to use 4 different APIs, and create your own. We will use a Sudoku Solver API, a Crypto Exchange Rate API, A Crypto News API, A Word Association API and create a WebScraper API.
API Project! Word Association Game
In this video, Ania shows you how to make a Word Association Game using an API. This project is great for those looking for fun projects to make with unique APIs.
Perceiver for Cardiac Video Data Classification (AlphaCare: Episode 2)
DeepMind recently released a new type of Transformer called the Perceiver IO, which was able to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy across multiple data types (text, images, point clouds, and more). In this episode of the AlphaCare series, I’ll explain how Perceiver works, and how we used it to improve accuracy scores for Cardiac video data. The EchoNet dataset was recently made public by Stanford University, and it contains 10K privatized heart videos from patients. We’ll also discuss why Transformer networks work so well, and how by using 2 key features (Cross attention & positional embeddings), the Perceiver improved on all variants of Transformers. Get hype!
Multiomics Data for Cancer Diagnosis (AlphaCare: Episode 3)
The number of molecular biology datasets available is growing exponentially every month. Multiomics consist of all the layers of the molecular biome; the genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome. In this episode, we will learn how each of the layers of the molecular biology stack work and then look at 3 different real-world use cases for Cancer patients (diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive) using open-source python code on GitHub. Then we’ll look at how a Generative Adversarial Network can be used to generate synthetic genomic data to battle, imbalanced classes. Enjoy!
Mint a Genome NFT
DeepMind recently released a new type of Transformer called the Perceiver IO, which was able to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy across multiple data types (text, images, point clouds, and more). In this episode of the AlphaCare series, I’ll explain how Perceiver works, and how we used it to improve accuracy scores for Cardiac video data. The EchoNet dataset was recently made public by Stanford University, and it contains 10K privatized heart videos from patients. We’ll also discuss why Transformer networks work so well, and how by using 2 key features (Cross attention & positional embeddings), the Perceiver improved on all variants of Transformers. Get hype!
Building a Health DAO with GitHub CoPilot
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are the future of the Web. In this episode, we’ll build a simple DAO that lets users submit their health data to a marketplace and let’s health organizations buy that data, with the proceeds going directly to users. This is an idea I’ve been toying with for a few weeks as I’m really interested in ways of incentivizing people to be healthy. We’ll learn about how DAOs work, then we’ll build a toy DAO example. I’ll then show you how to build a DAO without coding, then we’ll build the Health DAO using Solidity, Truffle, Metamask, Ganache, IPFS, and Javascript. Interspersed in all of this are demos of GitHub’s CoPilot tool that I now have access to, which auto-completes your code in an incredible way. Get hype!
Build & Deploy a Number Fact Discord Bot using Node.js and Heroku | Node.js | Rapid API
In this video, we cover how you can make a Discord bot using discord.js and an API by Rapid API and deploy it using Heroku!
Build and Deploy a Modern Real Estate App | React Website Tutorial
This video is perfect for you if you want to improve your ReactJS and NextJS skills by building Realtor – an amazing Real Estate Application. With rental homes and for-sale properties, advanced property filtering, property details page with an image carousel, and much more, Realtor is the best Real Estate App that you can currently find on YouTube.
Build and Deploy Google Search 2.0 with React & Tailwind CSS
With the ability to search for up-to-date results, news, images, and videos, modern UI, and dark mode, this completely responsive Google Clone is the perfect project you can build to master the use of modern React.js.
API Project! Build a Crypto Dashboard
In this video, Ania shows you how to make a Crypto Dashboard using two APIs. This project is great for those looking for fun projects to make with unique APIs.
API Crash Course – Integrate, Build, & Sell an API
In this API Crash Course, I’ll teach you what an API is, how to use multiple APIs in your application, and even how to build and sell your own API to make money!
Build and sell your own API
In this video course, let’s learn how to make a profitable API and sell it on the RapidAPI Hub.
Turn an API into a Startup?! Build & Sell an API with JavaScript
The only Node JS API tutorial you need. Learn how to Build and Deploy your own fully custom JavaScript API with Node and Express from scratch. Once you’ve learned that, I’ll teach you how to put it on a platform called RapidAPI, set the pricing tiers, start selling, and finally, build a business around it.
Build and Deploy a Google Maps Travel Companion Application
Geolocation, Google Maps API & Google Places API, fetching API data based on the location, data filtering are just some features that make this Travel Advisor App the best Maps Application that you can currently find on YouTube
Build and Deploy a React Cryptocurrency App and Master Redux Toolkit in One Video
Learn advanced React best practices, State Management using Redux Toolkit, UI Creation using Ant Design, creating charts using Chart.js, and fetching data from multiple sources using RapidAPI while building the best Cryptocurrency App on YouTube – Cryptoverse.
Building a Node.js app (as a JavaScript noob)
In this video, we will be building a basic web app using Node.js (Express.js) loading external API data using asynchronous JavaScript.
Convolutional Networks for Heart Disease Prediction
AlphaCare is an open-source project that Keshav Boudaria and I have been working on for the past few weeks, and it’s built entirely on top of freely available open-source data, algorithms, and computing. In this first video of the AlphaCare series, I’ll explain how we can use it to classify ECG data from patient heartbeats to accurately predict the likelihood of different types of heart disease, mainly Arrhythmia. The goal of AlphaCare is to progressively improve its capabilities as a community until it’s able to be used as a tool to treat and prevent the top 10 major diseases globally. Ultimately, we’d like to use it to treat the root cause of all diseases, Aging. AlphaCare is a work in progress, we have a lot of work to do together. I can’t wait to learn and grow with all of you, let’s make a massive positive impact together!
4 APIs at ONCE! | How To Manage Multiple APIs (Application Programming Interface)
Let’s say you have an application that uses multiple APIs from various platforms. Each API has its own key and its own way of managing access. What if I told you that there’s a platform where you can manage all of your APIs in one spot? We’re going to build an app that consumes multiple APIs using RapidAPI to see how easy it is to use. We’ll create a quick project by using Vite.js and Tailwind CSS, then use RapidAPI to connect to 4 APIs and consume their data.
4 Steps to Make $Millions with an API
There’s an API for just about everything these days. Let me show you how to build your own API and make money from it.
Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs
Building and selling APIs is a great way to create a new source of passive income. Thus, in this video, you will see how to monetize your API!
How to integrate multiple APIs with your Laravel app using RapidAPI
In this video we review what RapidAPI is & how you can use it to connect & integrate multiple APIs into your Laravel application with a single API key. We are going to integrate with a currency conversion API & build a flexible API wrapper that we can use to connect to multiple APIs that are on RapidAPI.
React Google Maps – Geolocation with React and TypeScript
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a Google Map with React.js and Typescript. The app will find the nearest bars both by click and geolocation.
How To Build A Full Working API In Django and Publicizing IT On RapidAPI
In this video, we will build a basic API in Django using the Django Rest Framework, deploy it on heroku and put it on RapidAPI Hub.
Crash Course: API Testing with RapidAPI & GitHub Actions
In this tutorial you will learn about RapidAPI, API testing using RapidAPI Testing solution, how to monitor the performance of the API, RapidAPI GitHub Action and more.
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