With the increased demand for goods and services in different regions of the world, e-commerce has become an acceptable way for selling merchandise. With e-commerce, clients can save on time as they can quickly look up items through the convenience of their web browser and find items they like or want to purchase. With e-commerce APIs, it is also possible to find products not in their locality and those in physical stores far from them.
Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world. It offers a wide range of products, and individuals can access it directly. One can also be a retailer, wholesaler or middleman who acquires products for resale.
Numerous transactions take place on Amazon’s platform. Introducing software and tools that make conducting activities on Amazon convenient is a given. The Axesso Amazon Data Service API is one of the software tailored for Amazon.
What is Axesso – Amazon Data Service API?
Axesso: Amazon Data Service API is a set of executable programs that allow users to utilize keywords to search for Amazon products. Further, one can obtain product information, products from different suppliers, and recommend the best products.
How Axesso Amazon Data Service API Work
The backbone of the API functionality is called API endpoints. These are the points of contact that allow developers to submit inputs. The endpoints contain some protocols which dictate the kind of information or parameters required.
Additionally, the endpoints also determine the kind of results that you will get in return. If you input the wrong data, the API will automatically reject your request.
The Axesso Amazon Data Service API only uses GET kind of HTTPS request methods. Therefore, it implies that you can only retrieve data from the Amazon servers.
Usually, it would help if you supplied an API key with your request. The API key is a unique code to identify your application. It ensures that RapidAPI has a record of who is accessing the endpoints.
When a user sends a query through a particular endpoint, the API accepts the request and triggers the server to process the data. The server sends back the results to the API in a JSON data format. The API converts the data type into an easily readable format for the end-user on the client’s device.
Developers – The developers use this API to create applications which they later integrate with websites and develop applications. It saves time as they do not have to develop applications from scratch.
Developers can choose to monetize the applications and earn a living while offering solutions.
Buyers – Most buyers want some background information on the product they are about to purchase. They want to know whether the product will serve its purpose.
Using the Axesso Amazon Data Service API, they can get detailed information on any product on the Amazon marketplace. Such information may include pricing, the manufacturer, customer reviews, the currency code and the shipping cost.
Such information enables customers to make appropriate decisions before buying a product.
Sellers – Merchants and sellers use the API to check reviews from customers. Such assessments are essential as they give the sellers insights into what products the customers like. The API helps them to compare retail prices and know where to order their goods.
Using this API, sellers can update the available stock and synchronize the data to match what appears on the user’s device.
How to Connect to Axesso – Amazon Data Service API
Step 1: Register for the API on RapidAPI
In order to use the Axesso – Amazon Data Service API, the user needs to sign up on RapidAPI by creating an account. If already subscribed, enter the username and password to log in.
Step 2: Obtain an API key to Access the Account
For a user to access the API, an API key is required. The key should appear in the format XXXXX.
Step 3: Subscribe to the API by selecting a pricing plan.
Axesso: Amazon Data Service API offers four payment plans for users depending on their needs. Select a pricing plan to subscribe to by clicking on it.
Step 4: Test Axesso – Amazon Data Service API from the Browser
Testing the application from the browser is an important step that the users should not omit. The code snippets are provided in different languages allowing the users to select their language of preference for the testing.
Step 5: Integrate the API into the Application
After successful testing, the user should copy the code snippet from the RapidAPI platform into their application for integration purposes. The coding language should match that which is installed or supported in the user application.
How to use Axesso – Amazon Data Service API with Python
Confirm that Python is present in the application to be integrated with the API. If not, download the Python SDK and install it into the application. Import the code snippets in Python into the application, and you are ready to go. Below is a sample code snippet of the GET lookup Product endpoint using Python (Requests) import requests
url = "https://axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com/amz/amazon-lookup-product" querystring = {"url":"REQUIRED"} headers = { 'x-rapidapi-key': "SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY", 'x-rapidapi-host': "axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com" } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring) print(response.text)
When the above code is executed, it gives a response like the one below.
{39 items "acKeywordLink":NULL "addon": false "answeredQuestions": 0 "asin": "B06X3XRTRL" "categories":[ 3 items 0: "Toys & Games" 1: "Building Toys" 2: "Building Sets" ] "countReview": 0 "currency": NULL "dealPrice": 0 "deliveryMessage": "Arrives: Jan 22 - 27" "features":[ 2 items 0: "New in package" 1: "Box54" ] "fulfilledBy": "Lights Camera Auction" "imageUrlList":[ 1 item 0: "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51yKkAGfRzL._AC_.jpg" ] "mainImage":{2 items "imageResolution": "365 x 500" "imageUrl": "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51yKkAGfRzL._AC_.jpg" } "manufacturer": "Visit the LEGO Store" "minimalQuantity": NULL "pantry": false "price": 0.95 "priceRange": NULL "priceSaving": NULL "priceShippingInformation": "+ $4.59 shipping" "prime": false "productDescription": "New in package" "productDetails":[...] 6 items "productRating": NULL "productSpecification":[] 0 items "productTitle": "McDonalds ~ THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE #6 ~ BATGIRL Viewer ~ 2017" "rentPrice": 0 "responseMessage": "Product successfully found!" "responseStatus": "PRODUCT_FOUND_RESPONSE" "retailPrice": 0 "retailPriceRent": 0 "reviews":[] 0 items "salePrice": 0 "shippingPrice": 0 "sizeSelection":[] 0 items "soldBy": "Lights Camera Auction" "usedPrice": 0 "variations":[] 0 items "warehouseAvailability": "Only 1 left in stock - order soon." }
How to use Axesso – Amazon Data Service API with Ruby
The first step in using this API with Ruby is to ensure that Ruby is present in the application. If not, download the Ruby SDK and conduct an installation into the application. You can then use the various endpoints to extract the information required. Below is an example of the GET lookupSellerProducts Endpoint with Ruby (Unirest)
require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'openssl' url = URI("https://axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com/amz/amazon-seller-products?domainCode=com&sellerId=AD97MR4NOW5CD&page=1") http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url) request["x-rapidapi-key"] = 'SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY' request["x-rapidapi-host"] = 'axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com' response = http.request(request) puts response.read_body
The above code generates the response below
{ 8 items "currentPage": 1 "nextPage": 2 "numberOfProducts": 16 "responseMessage": "Product successfully found!" "responseStatus": "PRODUCT_FOUND_RESPONSE" "resultCount": 0 "searchProductDetails":[ 16 items 0:{ 8 items "asin": "B00M7FMKAY" "countReview": 614 "imgUrl": "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91G9U61kjWL._AC_UY218_.jpg" "price": 39.99 "prime": true "productDescription": "DailyShoes Women's Ankle Bootie High Lace up Military Combat Mid Calf Credit Card Knife Money Wallet Pocket Boots" "productRating": "4.3 out of 5 stars" "retailPrice": 0 } 1:{ 8 items "asin": "B07Y198DXN" "countReview": 4642 "imgUrl": "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91gvfTYwlvL._AC_UY218_.jpg" "price": 28.98 "prime": true "productDescription": "DailyShoes Platform Slip-on Sneakers Round Toe Low Cut Thick Sole Dress Slip On Shoes Ballet Flats Flat Skate Walking Shoes" "productRating": "4.3 out of 5 stars" "retailPrice": 0 } 2:{...} 8 items 3:{...} 8 items 4:{...} 8 items 5:{...} 8 items 6:{...} 8 items 7:{...} 8 items 8:{...} 8 items 9:{...} 8 items 10:{...} 8 items 11:{...} 8 items 12:{...} 8 items 13:{...} 8 items 14:{...} 8 items 15:{...} 8 items ] "sellerId": "AD97MR4NOW5CD" }
How to use Axesso – Amazon Data Service API with PHP
Install PHP SDK if not already installed in the application. Once this installation is complete, copy the codes into your application to start using it. The endpoints provide an easy way of extracting information from the API. Here is a code snippet of the GET lookupSellerProducts Endpoint with PHP (Unirest/Request)
php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, [ CURLOPT_URL => "https://axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com/amz/amazon-seller-products?domainCode=com&sellerId=AD97MR4NOW5CD&page=1", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => [ "x-rapidapi-host: axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "x-rapidapi-key: SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY" ], ]); $response = curl_exec($curl); $err = curl_error($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($err) { echo "cURL Error #:" . $err; } else { echo $response; } The above code results in the following sample response. {8 items "currentPage": 1 "nextPage": 2 "numberOfProducts": 16 "responseMessage": "Product successfully found!" "responseStatus": "PRODUCT_FOUND_RESPONSE" "resultCount": 0 "searchProductDetails":[16 items 0:{...} 8 items 1:{...} 8 items 2:{...} 8 items 3:{...} 8 items 4:{...} 8 items 5:{...} 8 items 6:{...} 8 items 7:{...} 8 items 8:{...} 8 items 9:{...} 8 items 10:{...} 8 items 11:{...} 8 items 12:{...} 8 items 13:{...} 8 items 14:{...} 8 items 15:{ 8 items "asin": "B07CLPZZYX" "countReview": 572 "imgUrl": "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/812tBfnEYVL._AC_UY218_.jpg" "price": 5 "prime": false "productDescription": "DailyShoes Women's Chunky Heel Round Toe Ankle Strap Pumps Shoes" "productRating": "4.2 out of 5 stars" "retailPrice": 0 } ] "sellerId": "AD97MR4NOW5CD" }
How to use Axesso – Amazon Data Service API with JavaScript
Install the JavaScript SDK f not already installed in the application. Copy the codes from the API into the application for integration purposes before using. The endpoints provide an easy and systematic way of extracting information from the API. Here is a sample code for the GET lookupProduct Endpoint, which helps the users to get product information using Javascript (fetch)
fetch("https://axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com/amz/amazon-lookup-product?url=%3CREQUIRED%3E", { "method": "GET", "headers": { "x-rapidapi-key": "SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY", "x-rapidapi-host": "axesso-axesso-amazon-data-service-v1.p.rapidapi.com" } }) .then(response => { console.log(response); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); });
The above code generates the response below:
{39 items "acKeywordLink": NULL "addon": false "answeredQuestions": 0 "asin": "B06X3XRTRL" "categories":[3 items 0:"Toys & Games" 1:"Building Toys" 2:"Building Sets" ] "countReview":0 "currency":NULL "dealPrice":0 "deliveryMessage":"Arrives: Jan 22 - 27" "features":[2 items 0:"New in package" 1:"Box54" ] "fulfilledBy":"Lights Camera Auction" "imageUrlList":[1 item 0:"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51yKkAGfRzL._AC_.jpg" ] "mainImage":{2 items "imageResolution":"365 x 500" "imageUrl":"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51yKkAGfRzL._AC_.jpg" } "manufacturer":"Visit the LEGO Store" "minimalQuantity":NULL "pantry":false "price":0.95 "priceRange":NULL "priceSaving":NULL "priceShippingInformation":"+ $4.59 shipping" "prime":false "productDescription":"New in package" "productDetails":[6 items 0:{...}2 items 1:{...}2 items 2:{...}2 items 3:{...}2 items 4:{...}2 items 5:{...}2 items ] "productRating":NULL "productSpecification":[]0 items "productTitle":"McDonalds ~ THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE #6 ~ BATGIRL Viewer ~ 2017" "rentPrice":0 "responseMessage":"Product successfully found!" "responseStatus":"PRODUCT_FOUND_RESPONSE" "retailPrice":0 "retailPriceRent":0 "reviews":[]0 items "salePrice":0 "shippingPrice":0 "sizeSelection":[0 items] "soldBy":"Lights Camera Auction" "usedPrice":0 "variations":[]0 items "warehouseAvailability":"Only 1 left in stock - order soon." }
API Endpoints
The API has six endpoints that help developers to retrieve information about Amazon products and services. Here is an explanation of what the endpoints achieve.
The Lookup Products Endpoint – The endpoint delivers all relevant information about a product. It returns the commodity’s title, the manufacturer’s name, product rating, sizes available, product features, and a list of categories where the product is included.
Additionally, it gives the product description and images. Also, it shows the availability of the product in the warehouses.
The Lookup Seller Endpoint – This endpoint displays information about merchants based on their ID and domain.
The Lookup Seller Products Endpoint – This endpoint shows all the types of products offered by a given merchant page by page.
The Lookup Seller Prices Endpoint – It shows the prices of all products by a seller. Additionally, it provides the currency code to pay, actual product price, shipping prices and currency abbreviations. It also displays products on offer by given merchants.
The Lookup Reviews Endpoint – The endpoint shows the product ratings, condition of product, seller name, and seller rating. Moreover, it displays the total number of reviews, review ID, date of creating the thoughts, title, and images that belong to the reviews. Also, it shows the users who generate every feedback, unique critiques, and associated ASIN number and page of the studies.
The Search by Keyword ASIN Endpoint – This feature allows users to search for particular commodities based on specific keywords. Therefore users can sort products by rank, find the domain or page. Additionally, the ASIN number of the product helps to identify the items.
Axesso – Amazon Data Service API Alternatives
Amazon Products API – Best for finding the best product offers on Amazon.
Amazon Price – Best for displaying real-time Amazon product prices.
Amazon Data – Best for retrieving information on product data, deals, and offers.
Price Analytics – Best for making product price comparisons on Amazon, eBay, Google Shopping and Idealo.
Amazon.com API – Best for showing real-time Amazon prices.
Sellytics API – Best for providing seller, review, product and rankings in Amazon.
a. Ease of use
The API contains documentation that provides a step to step guide on how to use it. It also has software development kits as a resource to enable users to utilize it without any hitches. The ease of use saves time and enhances the user’s experience.
b. Product Suggestions
The Axesso Amazon Data Service API recommends what products you can buy from Amazon. It gives information about a specific product, analyses current bids of different products and comes up with a list of offers from other sellers. The customer or user can acquire this information by looking up or searching a keyword on Amazon.
c. Synchronization
Synchronization of the information in the server and user devices is crucial. The API unifies the two systems to ensure that there is a consistent flow of information. Such synchronization allows the simple flow of operations logically. Additionally, it provides real-time exchange of data ensuring better workflow.
Integrating this API with different programming languages is straightforward. Therefore developers can easily use this tool to get data from the Amazon website for their apps or websites.
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