The Basketball Data API is produced by Broadage Sports to provide statistics, standings, and scores for NBA, NCAA, and Euroleague teams. The Basketball API can be used by programmers and developers to build live sports content into websites or mobile applications. Use the data streams for tournament pages or build “March Madness” support into apps for NCAA basketball. Broadage offers player and team statistics for other sports like football, soccer, baseball, hockey, volleyball, and handball. The basketball data service operates as part of this wider range of sports statistics published by a team of over 600 scouts from Broadage who monitor and attend games worldwide. Developers can test the Basketball Data API for free at RapidAPI.
The Basketball Data API is able to deliver streaming data for NBA basketball matches, NCAA tournaments or teams, as well as Euroleague play. Broadage’s statistics include live scores, “play-by-play” reports, box scores, live match statistics, and current league standings. Broadage also offers a “Basketball Coverage” service with live reporting from over 100 basketball tournaments from all around the world. The company is based in Turkey. Developers can access stats from live basketball games or historical data and league standings to create endpoint results with RapidAPI. Build basketball applications for websites and mobile devices like fantasy leagues, news sites, sports magazines, etc. with custom content for basketball teams across different international tournaments.
Sign up for a free account at RapidAPI to test and generate the code for the Broadage Sports Basketball Data API service. Some of the services are free to use under traffic or user request limits, with a few endpoints that will only operate for seven days from the date of subscription.
1. About the Basketball Data API Service
Broadage Sports is one of the most advanced API services available for NBA, NCAA, and Euroleague basketball statistics. The API will also support the Eurocup, Turkish Super League, Spanish Liga, Greek League, and VTB United League. The free service at RapidAPI generates endpoints for pre-match, live match, post-match, and H2H data to allow developers to test the functionality or use it within basic request limitations. The use of European terminology in the API can be confusing for someone looking only for NBA statistics, but by researching the use of variables with NBA games, the service provides excellent support for American users, including live NCAA tournament play in “March Madness”.
The Basketball Data API will display as an embedded Broadage Sports widget or the individual data can be accessed at the fine-grained level for detailed sports analytics based on live streams and machine learning. The display of the data can be customized by developers according to the requirements of their applications or websites. The data tracks points, assists, rebounds, steals, and other variables related to live scores or league standings by date. Turn-overs, free throws, three-point percentage, etc. are other basketball statistics tracked in real-time and available in live streams from the API. The flexibility and depth of the data provided by the Broadage Basketball API are excellent, while the combined support for Euroleague and NCAA statistics is rare.
The Broadage Basketball API: “Broadage Basketball Livescore widgets is a live widget showing basketball live scores with a daily matchlist with different views, themes and many advanced features.” – Learn More About the Broadage Basketball API.
2. What is the Basketball Data API?
Basketball data from the NBA, NCAA, and Euroleague play can be used for data analytics, real-time applications like fantasy leagues, or brands promoting specialized events related to tournament play. Basketball has been an Olympic sport since 1936 and international leagues in Europe, Asia, and Africa continue to appear. Broadage Sports is a Turkish company that offers advanced stats for Euroleague, Liga ACB, Turkish Basketball Super League, Basketball Bundesliga, and VTB United League teams. The Basketball API is part of their broader coverage suite, which offers similarly designed live-stream and historical data for other popular professional sports leagues.
Newspapers, sports magazines, fantasy leagues, and gambling sites can all make use of the Broadage Sports Basketball API for their web and mobile application support. Programmers can develop unique statistical analysis, charts, standing tables, and live “head-to-head” (H2H) matchups with endpoints or embedded widgets. Many users follow sports websites and mobile applications for live updates of scores across a wide number of games for statistics and “play-by-play” reports. The Broadage API is one of the most advanced solutions available on the marketplace currently for streaming basketball statistics and historical data that supports international league play.
Broadage Sports Basketball Data API: “Broadage Sports Basketball Live Ticker Widgets is the ideal basketball live scores solution for your homepage or event center, coming in with different views and configuration options.” – Learn more about Live Ticker Widgets at Broadage Sports.
3. How does the Basketball Data API work?
The Basketball Data API is structured with four main categories: Pre-Match Data, Live Data, Post-Match Data, and H2H Data. In order to retrieve tournament information, you will first need to know the tournamentId for the API. Using the GET Tournament List command, you can retrieve the ID of the currently supported tournaments with the endpoint display returning structured data in this format:
[1 item 0:{10 items "country":{...}3 items "participantType":{...}2 items "name":"Australian NBL" "shortName":"" "mediumName":"" "globalName":"Australian NBL" "localName":"" "isOfficial":true "isNational":true "id":89 } ]
Once you retrieve the tournament ID, you can access the other data streaming services offered by the API for support according to the requirements of your configuration.
The statistics provided by the Broadage Sports Basketball API are:
- Livescores
- Fixtures
- Standings
- Leaderboards-Points
- Leaderboards-Rebounds
- Leaderboards-Assists
- Daily Schedule
- Daily Results
- Match Summary
- Boxscore
- Play-by-Play
- Game Leaders
- Match Statistics
The Basketball Data API has around 30 different endpoints available, each with a wide range of data options present within the response that is communicated in structured XML. The Basketball Data API is a RESTful service based on the JSON API protocols and standards.
The main endpoint structure presented by the Basketball Data API is:
Pre-Match Data
- GET Tournament Info
- GET Tournament List
- GET Daily Match List-Scheduled
- GET Tournament Teams
- GET Tournament Fixture
- GET Team Squad
- GET Team Schedule
Live Data
- GET Match Play by Play
- GET Match Summary
- GET Match Boxscore
- GET Match Statistics
- GET Match Game Leaders
- GET Daily Match List-Live
- GET Daily Match List-All
Post-Match Data
- GET Seasonal Statistics: Points
- GET Point Leaderboard
- GET Daily Match List-Results
- GET Match Margins
- GET Seasonal Statistics: Quarter Analysis
- GET Seasonal Market Statistics: Points
- GET Tournament Standings
- GET Rebound Leaderboard
- GET Assist Leaderboard
H2H Data
- GET Recent Match List
- GET Result Statistics
- GET Under / Over Analysis
- GET Seasonal Advanced Team Statistics
- GET Quarter Analysis
- GET Market Statistics (Points)
Using the RapidAPI service allows developers to access the Basketball Data API for free with a code snippet generator for more than 20 web and mobile programming languages. By setting up a sandbox environment, developers can test the integration of the real-time streaming statistics functionality with their websites and mobile apps.
The Broadage Sports Basketball Data API: “Broadage Sports Data API is available in 8 languages, serving data in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish.” – Learn more about Broadage Sports Data APIs.
4. Who is the Basketball Data API for exactly?
Using the endpoint commands above and the returned variables for each tournament, game, team, or player, programmers can access fine-grained results for data analysis in sabermetric and ML-driven software applications. With the Broadage Sports Basketball Data API, developers can build custom displays for charts, standings, H2H matchups, league leaderboards, and live gameplay according to their organizational requirements. The service also has embeddable widgets available on a subscription basis for a wide range of different pro sports leagues around the world with multi-language options.
For example, when building a leaderboard, the data returned is:
- matchesPlayed – The total match count of the player
- minutesPerGame- The total minutes of the player
- position – The position of the player in the table
- pointers1AttemptedPerGame – The free throw(1 point) attempted per game of the player
- pointers1MadePerGame – The free throw(1 point) made per game of the player
- pointers1SuccessRatio – The free throw(1 point) success ratio of the player
- pointers3AttemptedPerGame – The 3 points attempted per game of the player
- pointers3MadePerGame – The 3 points made per game of the player
- pointers3SuccessRatio – The 3 points success ratio of the player
- pointsPerGame – The points per game of the player
- fieldGoalSuccessRatio – The field goal(2 points) success ratio of the player
- fieldGoalsAttemptedPerGame – The field goal(2 points) attempted per game of the player
- fieldGoalsMadePerGame – The field goal(2 points) made per game of the player
Since it can be argued that Euroleague and other international basketball leagues like the Greek, Turkish, and Australian national all receive much less attention than the NBA in mass media, the Broadage Sports API assists regional news publishers and independent software application developers. Other groups are using the data with machine learning and trained algorithms for prediction and analysis. Many developers may need to test the service before subscribing or use the free RapidAPI options to experiment with building custom charts or data-driven analysis for sports apps.
Basketball fantasy leagues, dynasty leagues, and daily sports gambling websites or mobile application developers can all utilize the real-time streaming data from the Basketball API for their requirements. Since it is not easy to find a service with support for international leagues as well as the NBA and NCAA, Broadage Sports will certainly find a lot of fans among programmers, data scientists, and analytics developers. Brands can use the streaming data to support special promotions. Newspapers and sports magazines can subscribe to the service for regular embedded features provided to readers.
5. Tutorial: How to Connect to the Basketball Data API
To connect to the Broadage Sports Basketball Data API, log in to RapidAPI and navigate to the playground environment to generate the code for different scripts. You can copy and paste the code from RapidAPI in order to embed the service in websites or mobile applications using 20+ different programming languages. Under the “Endpoints” tab for the Basketball Data API, there is a reference table with a drop-down menu supporting all of the available endpoint commands. Use the RapidAPI service to “copy code” and embed it directly into apps or websites to test the functionality.
Developers can use the RapidAPI website to generate custom code by entering the variables for the different endpoints utilizing dynamic queries, automation, cron, etc. The data is received for display and processing via structured XML over HTTP(S) using JSON. Some of the API services are only valid for 7 days and intended as a test of the subscription service. The other endpoints can be used for free on RapidAPI with a monthly limit on requests. Developers can use their own CSS and HTML to customize the display of the Basketball Data API endpoints, building custom charts and analytics.
The RapidAPI service has code snippets available for more than 20 of the most popular programming languages for web design and mobile app development currently. You can copy and paste the code snippets from RapidAPI directly into your apps with a free subscription ID. Use the code in a playground environment to test endpoints with your RapidAPI key in order to experiment with or learn about the Broadage Sports API’s live-streaming event functionality for NBA, NCAA, and Euroleague games. Since the Basketball API has so many endpoints, the examples below will only cover one example for each programming language. Use RapidAPI to explore other programming options.
PHP Code Snippets:
For PHP applications and websites, there are four different methods that the code can be input into a web page. Developers can use cUrl, HTTP, or a Unirest request.
To embed the Basketball Data API with cUrl in PHP using the GET Match Play by Play query and the matchID – 350275:
<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, [ CURLOPT_URL => "", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => [ "x-rapidapi-host:", "x-rapidapi-key: insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" ], ]); $response = curl_exec($curl); $err = curl_error($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($err) { echo "cURL Error #:" . $err; } else { echo $response; }
To embed the Basketball Data API with an HTTP request in PHP with the same variables:
<?php $request = new HttpRequest(); $request->setUrl(''); $request->setMethod(HTTP_METH_GET); $request->setQueryData([ 'matchId' => '350275' ]); $request->setHeaders([ 'x-rapidapi-host' => '', 'x-rapidapi-key' => 'insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here' ]); try { $response = $request->send(); echo $response->getBody(); } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo $ex; }
To use an alternative HTTP method with the Basketball Data API in PHP with the same variables:
<?php $client = new http\Client; $request = new http\Client\Request; $request->setRequestUrl(''); $request->setRequestMethod('GET'); $request->setQuery(new http\QueryString([ 'matchId' => '350275' ])); $request->setHeaders([ 'x-rapidapi-host' => '', 'x-rapidapi-key' => 'insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here' ]); $client->enqueue($request)->send(); $response = $client->getResponse(); echo $response->getBody();
Add the Basketball Data API to your PHP code with a Unirest request with the same variables:
<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, [ CURLOPT_URL => "", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => [ "x-rapidapi-host:", "x-rapidapi-key: insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" ], ]); $response = curl_exec($curl); $err = curl_error($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($err) { echo "cURL Error #:" . $err; } else { echo $response; }
Make sure to replace the placeholder text with your custom key from Basketball Data API or use the free key-generation capabilities on the RapidAPI website where this is automatic.
Python Code Snippets:
For Python applications and websites, there are three different methods that the Basketball Data API code can be input into apps. Developers can use the HTTP client, an import request, or a Unirest command to embed the functionality in a display page.
To embed the Basketball Data API with the HTTP Client in Python using the GET Match Play by Play query and the matchID – 350275:
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") headers = { 'x-rapidapi-host': "", 'x-rapidapi-key': "insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" } conn.request("GET", "/match/playbyplay?matchId=350275", headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))
To add the Basketball Data API with a Python import request with the same variables:
import requests url = "" querystring = {"matchId":"350275"} headers = { 'x-rapidapi-host': "", 'x-rapidapi-key': "insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring) print(response.text)
To embed the Basketball Data API with a Unirest command in Python with the same variables:
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") headers = { 'x-rapidapi-host': "", 'x-rapidapi-key': "insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" } conn.request("GET", "/match/playbyplay?matchId=350275", headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))
Make sure to replace the placeholder text with your custom key from Basketball Data API.
Ruby Code Snippets:
For Ruby applications and websites, there are two different methods that the Basketball Data API code can be input into a web page. Developers can use a net::HTTP request or a Unirest command.
To embed the Basketball Data API with a net::HTTP request in Ruby using the GET Match Play by Play query and the matchID – 350275:
require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'openssl' url = URI("") http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = request["x-rapidapi-host"] = '' request["x-rapidapi-key"] = 'insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here' response = http.request(request) puts response.read_body
To embed the Basketball Data API with a Unirest command in Ruby with the same variables:
require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'openssl' url = URI("") http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = request["x-rapidapi-host"] = '' request["x-rapidapi-key"] = 'insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here' response = http.request(request) puts response.read_body
Make sure to replace the placeholder text with your custom key from Basketball Data API or use the free key-generation capabilities on the RapidAPI website where this is automatic.
JavaScript Code Snippets:
For JavaScript applications and websites, there are four different methods that the code can be input into a web page. Developers can use jQuery, fetch, an XML HTTP request, or Axios to build displays for the application.
To embed the Basketball Data API with jQuery in JavaScript using the GET Match Play by Play command and the matchID – 350275:
const settings = { "async": true, "crossDomain": true, "url": "", "method": "GET", "headers": { "x-rapidapi-host": "", "x-rapidapi-key": "insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" } }; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
To add the Basketball Data API with an XML HTTP request in JavaScript with the same variables:
const data = null; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () { if (this.readyState === this.DONE) { console.log(this.responseText); } });"GET", ""); xhr.setRequestHeader("x-rapidapi-host", ""); xhr.setRequestHeader("x-rapidapi-key", "insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here"); xhr.send(data);
To insert the Basketball Data API with fetch in JavaScript with the same variables:
fetch("", { "method": "GET", "headers": { "x-rapidapi-host": "", "x-rapidapi-key": "insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here" } }) .then(response => { console.log(response); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); });
To use the Basketball Data API with Axios in JavaScript with the same variables:
import axios from "axios"; const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', params: {matchId: '350275'}, headers: { 'x-rapidapi-host': '', 'x-rapidapi-key': 'insert-your-RapidAPI-key-here' } }; axios.request(options).then(function (response) { console.log(; }).catch(function (error) { console.error(error); });
Make sure to replace the placeholder text with your custom key from Basketball Data API or use the free key-generation capabilities on the RapidAPI website where this is automatic.
6. Endpoints of the Basketball Data API
The Basketball Data API has 30 main endpoints which are each customizable with different variables or return a list of currently supported events. It may be required to query the API for the tournament ID or teamID to get the required information:
Request Parameters
- teamId – The id of the team.
- tournamentId – The id of the tournament.
An example of the data returned from the query in the example above using the GET Match Play by Play command with the matchID – 350275 is:
{8 items "homeTeam":{4 items "name":"Golden State Warriors" "shortName":"GSW" "mediumName":"Warriors" "id":109 } "awayTeam":{4 items "name":"Houston Rockets" "shortName":"HOU " "mediumName":"Rockets" "id":110 } "playByPlay":{1 item "quarter1":[...]9 items } "date":"11/04/2021 02:00:00" "id":350275 "tournament":{3 items "name":"NBA" "shortName":"NBA" "id":9 } "stage":{3 items "name":"Regular Season" "shortName":"NS" "id":19177 } "round":{3 items "name":"Round 16" "shortName":"R16" "id":16 } }
Broadage Sports Basketball Data API: “Our Sports Data API has always been key to global success, a cloud based based platform known with its speed, accuracy and reliability. We offer real time Soccer, Football, NBA and NHL data API with more than 50 different data endpoints. Accurate sports data streams comes with one of the greatest sports coverage, including 7 sports from more than 100 countries all around the world in 8 languages.” – Learn more about Broadage Sports API Services.
7. Alternatives to the Basketball Data API
When evaluating alternatives to the Broadage Sports Basketball Data API, some aspects to consider are the support for NBA, NCAA, Euroleague, and other international league teams. Also, the Broadage Sports service has 600+ embedded reporters that travel to tournament events for live reporting, including play-by-play reports. It is recommended to first consider whether or not the alternatives for the Basketball API include these features if they are not required for your project or look at total costs.
Some of the best alternatives to the Broadage Sports Basketball Data API are:
- API-BASKETBALL: “190+ Basketball Leagues & Cups with Livescore, Odds, Bookmakers, Statistics…” –
- Sportspage Feeds API: “Real-time scores, schedules, and betting odds for US leagues. Unbeatable value..” –
- API-NBA: “All NBA Stats DATA, Games, Livescore, Standings, Statistics…” –
- Live Sports Odds API: “Odds data API for NFL, NBA, MLB, EPL, AFL and loads more, from US, UK and Aussie bookmakers. Get started for free.” –
- NBA APIs: “Discover the best list of alternative premium and free NBA APIs.” –
There are other pro league and college-specific APIs in the sector, but these are the best of the current solutions providers. Very few of the competitive basketball API options have even remotely similar depth of sports coverage features available for real-time statistics and live reporting with historical data as Broadage Sports. These API services are most utilized by web publishers, software programmers, and mobile app developers.
8. What are the benefits of the Basketball Data API?
The Broadage Sports Basketball Data API will appeal to fantasy league developers, gambling sites, bookmakers, and sports news publishers primarily in support of their cloud software applications. Data scientists working in sports analytics can also make usage of the API for custom or bulk queries. Sports news publishers can embed the statistics, standings, and reports from the Basketball Data API automatically into their apps using programmable methods. Regional news publishers can use the support of the API for seven international languages. Brands, teams, and organizations like schools with NCAA teams can also use the service for web and mobile development.
The Basketball Data API has the advantage of supporting the NBA, NCAA, Euroleague, Greek, Turkish, Australian, and other international leagues in one unified service platform. Broadband Sports also offers a similar API service for US football, global soccer leagues, volleyball, handball, hockey, baseball, and other competitions. The Broadage Sports APIs also include support for special events like tournaments with “play-by-play” live reporting from experts. Data scientists can use cloud or local hardware to develop analytic approaches to basketball. Augmented reality developers can use the statistics to add real-time displays and alerts to games. Sports historians and fans can publish leaderboards, statistics, and standings with custom displays.
9. Developer Resources for the Basketball Data API
The best resources for the Basketball Data API are from Broadage Sports, the company that develops and manages the service. Check out their extensive documentation for referencing the use of endpoints with variables in dynamic queries. Make sure that you compare the potential subscription price with the limitations of the free service. With RapidAPI, you can quickly prototype and build new software apps using code snippets.
Basketball Data API Platform:
- Global API Sports List / Global API Tech Docs: “Provides the list of the sports which are supported in the global coverage.” –
- Best Basketball APIs: “List of the top APIs for NBA and global Basketball League data.” –
For technical background information on JSON APIs:
- JSON:API – A specification for building APIs in JSON:
- Mozilla: Working with JSON:
Developers using the Basketball Data API can also look into the other products listed above to compare the functionality of statistical services vs. live-streaming capabilities.
10. Summary: Develop Advanced Sabermetrics with Data Analytics
The Basketball Data API is part of the wider range of API services offered by Broadage Sports that support football, soccer, baseball, hockey, and other leagues. There are very few companies offering a similar live sports data functionality for basketball with support for NBA, NCAA, Euroleague, and international league (Greece, Turkey, Australia, etc.) statistics. The addition of real-time capabilities through a RESTful API enables new capabilities in software through integration with machine learning, AI, and augmented reality (AR) apps. Data scientists can utilize the Broadage Sports APIs for analytics and metrics, processing the data to build custom displays, charts, graphs, or player analysis.
Many developers of fantasy leagues and sports gambling websites need a reliable, real-time data source for basketball game support. Broadage Sports understands the needs and requirements of its customers in this sector. They have tailored their product to support 7 international languages for regional publishers. Most developers will need to subscribe to the service to use it professionally. Use the free RapidAPI playground to generate code snippets for the Basketball Data API in 20+ programming languages to test the Broadage Sports live streaming services with your apps. Real-time sports statistics can increase engagement with customers and are an essential element of most fantasy basketball and daily sports gambling websites.
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