Introduction This tutorial will show you how to build an app with TypeScript. We will walk you step-by-step thru setting up, developing and running a web application that queries the Internet for current crypto-currency price data. We'll be using TypeScript in the React.js and Next.js frameworks. If you are new to TypeScript you may want to …
JavaScript API Tutorials
How to use an API with React Redux
What is Redux? Redux is a state management framework for use in JavaScript-based front-end web apps. What is Redux used for? Redux helps to centralize state access and state updating logic, which can help keep the structure of complex applications manageable. If you would like a quick refresher on Redux, or you're new to using Redux, be sure …
Using the Redux API (Redux API Example)
What is Redux? Redux is a state management framework for the front-end. At its core, the Redux API is very simple: You implement a function that: Takes the previous state Takes an update action Returns new state You provide it the initial state You subscribe to updates: In response, can update the view Or you …
How To Use An API With TypeScript
Introduction This tutorial will walk you will walk you thru using a web browser to write some TypeScript code to access a couple free online APIs. Prerequisites To take full advantage of the topics covered in this tutorial you should have some familiarity with the following concepts: Submitting form data on a webpage Examining the web …
React Context API: Using React Context with APIs effectively
What is React Context API? React.js is a powerful way to make sophisticated web apps and websites. If you're not yet familiar with React, Hooks, or APIs, or just want a refresher, check out these tutorials: How to use API with React How to Fetch Data from an API with React Hooks React Contexts build on React's state management. They …
How to Create a Mobile App with NodeJS
What's a Mobile Backend? It does not take an expert to determine that the computing power of a server is most likely greater than the computing power of a mobile device. If an application has a heavy computational load than it becomes more efficient for the mobile device to send parameters to a backend server to do the heavy lifting and then …
How to use a Proxy API with Javascript
How to use a Proxy API with JavaScript One of the benefits to site owners for having an API is the reduction of bandwidth used by scripts. But sometimes a popular website will not provide an API to their public data. In this case, if you still need their public data you may want to download it from a script. But the same website which does not …
7 Ways to Deploy a React App
Jump to Heroku Apache server (linode) Firebase Github AWS Amplify Azure Netlify Where Should I Deploy My React App? Deploying your newly created React App typically falls at the hands of whoever is creating the tutorial or example application that you are following. Sometimes this works out fine because they typically …
How To Create a React Native App (React Native Tutorial)
What is React Native? React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Web and UWP by enabling developers to use React along with native platform capabilities. Wikipedia Although they share a name, ReactJS and React Native are quite different and it's …
How To Create a React App Using Typescript
What is Typescript? TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript... You have no doubt heard of Typescript, or have seen it on a job description if you have spent any time programming in JavaScript. However, even experienced JavaScript developers have not looked into this programming language …
How to Build a Simple Image Classification App with Spoonacular API
This is a super simple guide to creating an image classification app. In 15 minutes or less, you will have a first working example with the Spoonacular API. Before we start, have a look at the final result so you know what you're in for. What You Will Need to Make the Image Classification App This demo will use Vue.js, for uploading an …
How to Use Instagram API with PHP (and Node.js)
EDITED TO ADD: Due to the COVID-19 situation, the original EOL (End of Life) for the "basic" level access to the Instagram API has been delayed to June 2020. "We understand these are challenging times for our developer community, so we are postponing disabling the Instagram Legacy API Platform by 90 days to June 29, 2020. Remaining endpoints on …
How to Create a Multi-Page React App
What is a SPA? Single Page Applications (SPAs) are applications that use one webpage for all their features. In the past, websites typically loaded new pages for each new request or link within the domain name. For example, there would be an HTML page for: / /about /contact /blog /blog/1 Individual HTML pages could be found …
How to Fetch Data from an API with React Hooks
What are React Hooks? If you are brand new to React and APIs consider checking out: How To Use an API with ReactJS How To Create a Weather App with React (OpenWeatherMap API) Either of the articles can provide a decent introduction to React and the relationship with APIs. Otherwise, you have probably at least heard of React …
How to Fetch Data From a GraphQL API in React
What is GraphQL? Unlike most traditional REST APIs, GraphQL APIs only have a single endpoint to retrieve all the required data for your app. "GraphQL API Support Added to RapidAPI Marketplace", Kelsey, January 21, 2020 If your first question when reading this article is "What is GraqhQL" then I would recommend checking out this article, which …