The creation and development of desktop applications, web apps, and mobile applications depend on coding for success. Nowadays, developers require a more advanced tool to assist them in quickly understanding and reading the codes. It is for this case that they are using text editors.
A text editor, in simple terms, is a software application that helps developers to write and edit application source codes. It helps redeem time due to automatic indentation, saving developers from repetitive and tiresome tasks.
Code editors provide many shortcuts that allow developers to build their apps faster. Also, this software quickly identifies and highlights errors in codes. This attribute helps developers to correct their mistakes fast and deal with bugs on the go.
Text editors have color themes to help users customize and optimize the readability of codes. Additionally, these tools allow programmers to switch from one programming language to another with ease. Moreover, they help developers navigate their application projects easily by providing interactive and responsive coding interfaces.
With these great functionalities and features, text editors are a must for any serious developer who seeks to create user-oriented web, desktop, and user applications. Among the best and most popular text editors for applications, today is Atom.
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What is Atom
Atom is a powerful text editor built by Github for developing software, editing source codes and customizing applications. The editor uses HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js programming languages running on Electron architectural design. However, text editors work with whichever language or framework that one may select.
Atom is a desktop application that is open-source, accessible, and licensed under the MIT license. It is because of this reason that it is a favorite text editor among many developers and programmers in the 21st century.
How to conduct Atom Installation on Ubuntu
There are different ways in which you can conduct the installation of Atom. Let us discuss the various methods we can apply to do the installation of Atom in Linux.
a. Atom Installation by Snap
The Atom Snap is a package created and distributed by Github. It contains software with binary dependencies that help in running applications. Additionally, it has libraries that form a sandbox environment for apps.
Atom Snap is easy and fast to install with up-to-date libraries. Hence developers have no issues with dependencies. Moreover, the software receives daily automatic updates.
Atom Snap is available in the stable release, beta versions, or daily build. You can easily switch between these releases according to what suits your needs. Generally, Snap packages are heavy in size, and the app may be slow at startup.
Installation Process of Snap
You can approach the installation in different ways. First, you can install Snap packages by command line or through Ubuntu software. For the command line, you need to open your terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T then run the following command:
$ sudo snap install Atom - - classic
Alternatively, on the Ubuntu software, search for Atom editor on the search bar. You will receive the search results with the Atom Snap package as the first option. Click and progress with the installation process. Software developers may also have to install snapd before getting started with Atom Snap. The snap is an environment where management, installation, and updates of snaps take place.
b. Install Atom by Apt
You may also apply the Packagecloud Apt repositories. To do this, you will follow the instructions below.
Update the package list and install the dependencies using:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt installsoftware-properties-common apt-transport-https wget
Importing GPG key and enabling Apt repository. Use the following set of codes:
$wget - q https://packagecloud. io/AtomEditor/atom/gpgkey - O - | sudo apt-key add –
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch =amd64] https:packagecloud. io/AtomEditor /atom/any/ any main"
Install the latest version of Atom by:
$ sudo apt install atom
c. Installation by Debian
For installation of Atom on Debian, you need to download the Atom deb package and install it directly on the Linux terminal by:
$ sudo dpkg - i atom-amd. 64.deb
To install missing dependencies, you can type on the terminal:
sudo apt-get - f install.
Installing Atom on YUM or DNF Distributions
One can also perform an atom installation of distributions that apply YUM or DFN management packages. Some of the distributions include Red hat enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, and Scientific. However, before instantiating the installation you must add the repository package on your system through:
$sudo rpm - - import atom/ gpgkey
$ sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[Atom]\nname=Atom Editor\nbaseurl=\$basearch\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0\nrepo_gpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc/yum.repos.d/atom.repo'
Once you have added the repositories, you should install Atom through:
$ sudo dfn install Atom - This code installs Atom.
$ sudo dfn install atom-beta - The code installs Atom Beta.
Alternatively, we can download Atom directly through:
$ sudo yum install - y atom. x86_64.rpm: It installs YUM-based distributions.
$ sudo dfn install - y atom. x86_64.rpm: It installs DFN based distributions
Ubuntu has different Linux distributions in various formats and management. Therefore, there is no single way of installation.
Importance of Atom
Atom helps users to save on time due to the smart autocomplete feature. Additionally, users do not need to keep indenting their projects. With the find and replace attribute, the developers can find any detail they want about their projects and replace with updated with new lines of code.
Free and Open-Source Application
Atom is a free and open-source text editor that can be downloaded to your desktop and integrated immediately without spending a coin. It is helpful for beginners, especially students without enough funds to purchase a text editor. Moreover, it also comes with a wide range of features that make it worthwhile to even more experienced developers.
Smart Autocomplete
The smart autocomplete attribute is among the most recognizable trait. Using this feature, developers can write codes swiftly and save more time otherwise spent in coding. The functionality allows users to check and insert likely completions in the Atom text editor using the Enter or Tab keystrokes.
Customization Features
Atom allows users to match the themes to what suits their preference and choice. It also gives the users the ability to tweak the look with the drag and drop functionality. Atom has many features, and although only a few are activated at first, users have the autonomy to add or remove those they wish.
User Interface and Syntax Themes
Atom comes with four user interface (UI) themes coupled with eight syntaxes pre-installed in the system. These themes appear in light and dark colors. If you do not like the themes, Atom will allow you to build and install your theme. Alternatively, you can get a theme from the Atom community. If you are familiar with CSS, you can easily make and style themes on your own.
How Atom Compares to Competitors
Atom has strong contenders in the text editors arena. Some of the most popular market leaders include Sublime, Vim, Emacs, and Notepad++.
Sublime is lightweight with search tools and shortcuts that allow users to find functions easily and makes changes to several lines in a go. The editor is for experienced professionals who need excellent functionalities and high-level customization. Sublime has over 4900 packages and plugins with over 170 themes. This editor costs $70 per month.
Vim is a popular text editor that allows integrations with many tools. You may access it as an only app in a graphical user interface (GUI). However, you require some training to understand this tool.
Atom is an essential editor tool with a massive community of developers from Github, making it easy to use and learn. Any person who seeks to venture into coding can use this platform to create highly customized content.
Atom is a powerful software with seamless integration and has wonderful minimaps of folders, drag, drop, and folder trees. It is also wise to recall that Atom is purely open-source and free therefore highly beneficial to developers.
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