Currently, the big data market is experiencing significant growth. Big companies continue to thrive with the help of big data analytics. Implementing an appropriate analytics system assists the company in solving various problems it faces. According to a survey, the data analytics market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate …
API Architecture: Components and Best Practices for Building Robust APIs
APIs represent a significant part of any web-enabled software. With the rise of the "as-a-service" model of software delivery, APIs also offer a consistent pattern for building modular and scalable systems. Therefore, we are witnessing a radical shift in the evolution of software architecture. Instead of embedding a bunch of APIs within, entire …
How to Use GraphQL in Magento 2
Creating and maintaining a Magento online store, developers constantly look for the most efficient ways to optimize Magento database, media, speed, and overall performance. That’s why transforming eCommerce websites into progressive web apps (PWAs) has become a significant trend in recent years. As new tasks require new technologies, dev teams turn …
RapidAPI Testing GitHub Action now in the GitHub Marketplace
GitHub Actions need no introduction — it is a powerful, flexible CI/CD service that empowers developers to automate all of their software workflows. Over time, it has enabled developers to build amazing things, and significantly improved developers’ productivity. What’s great is that anyone can discover and utilize over 8,500 actions in the GitHub …
How to Use the Chuck Norris API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
Chuck Norris is an American martial artist and an action movie star who became an internet phenomenon over time. The ‘Chuck Norris Facts’ are jokes about Chuck Norris that stemmed from his popularity and then started to gain widespread popularity. Furthermore, these Chuck Norris facts are satirical factoids that often describe his toughness, …
How to Use the Quillbot Paraphraser API with Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Have you ever felt the need for access to a service that effectively paraphrases your text? The Quillbot Paraphraser API can come in handy. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines paraphrasing as “a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form”. Paraphrasing can be of great help, when conveying information in words …
How to Use the RAWG Video Games API with Java, Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Video games have come a long way in recent years due to the advent of mobile devices, gaming consoles, social media networks, and advances in computer technology. Today’s games have taken the gaming industry to a whole new level with exciting gameplays, engaging plots, realistic graphics/simulations, and thrilling challenges. The huge popularity of …
How to Use the Taobao API with Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
The Taobao API allows developers to import search engine information about products listed on China’s largest ecommerce platforms. Taobao is part of the Alibaba group and the API also works with their sister site, Tmall. In 2021, Taobao was ranked as the 8th most trafficked website in the world. The site is published entirely in the Chinese …
How to Use the ClimaCell API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
Weather forecasting applications have always been invaluable tools for everyone as the climate is susceptible to unforeseen changes at any time. Many industry sectors integrate these applications into their information systems to assist them in various tasks such as business and event planning, taking safety measures, and informed decisions based …
How to Use the Football Pro API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
Football (Soccer) is the most-watched and most played sport in the world. It has an estimated following of 4 billion people. According to FIFA, the 2018 world cup final reached an average audience of 1.12 billion people across the world. With the evolution of technology, the way we watch television has also been changing for a number of years. …
How to Use the Rundown API with Java, Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Sports are a huge source of entertainment for millions of people around the world. Nowadays, people can obtain information about sporting events, live scores, match schedules, and much more at the touch of a button thanks to a number of sporting applications on the internet. Most such applications also provide REST APIs that expose their …
How to Use The Free NBA API with Python, PHP, Ruby and JavaScript
Are you a die-hard NBA fan and want to take a closer look at your favorite team’s performance? With the NBA API used with various developing platforms, you can do that and more. The NBA API is a stream of useful and sensational data for game lovers. From seasons to leagues, and teams to players, it can spew out a lot of data for you to consume. So …
How to Use the NLP Translation API with Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Language Translation has become an essential requirement for many businesses as their products or applications are used by a diverse number of people. On top of that, businesses make use of these translated texts for other Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools such as sentiment analysis, advertising, and virtual assistants. Consequently, …
How to Use the Urban Dictionary API with Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Have you ever felt the need to look up the definition of a colloquially used slang word? The Urban Dictionary API can come to your rescue! An easy-to-use dictionary feature in your application or website can greatly enhance the user experience for your prospective users. The feature would enable your users to look up the meaning of words and …
How to Use the Telize API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
In recent years, we have been seeing the rise of cyberattacks and data breaches crippling organizations. Attackers often exploit weak and stolen credentials. Therefore, many organizations are not relying on using usernames and passwords i-e Single-factor authentication anymore. Instead, they are turning to multi-layered approaches, such as …