What is SendGrid?
Most online businesses depend on the quality of email delivery. Whether you have an online store, a social network or a news portal, you have to ensure that your notifications and transactional emails are delivered quickly and securely and are not classified as spam. SendGrid service accomplishes this task, and RapidAPI makes it easy to integrate this service into your application.
All necessary functions of SendGrid API are available through RapidAPI. You can send emails, track statistics and adjust settings. Let’s walk through the SendGrid API capabilities in a bit more detail.
In order to find this API, enter its name in the search box at the RapidAPI service, or go to the “Email” category and select this API from the list.
Is SendGrid API Free?
Yes and no. SendGrid API works according to the “Freemium” model, which means that you can send a certain number of emails for free (currently 100), and you have to pay to send more. To start using this API, you need to subscribe to it. Go to the Pricing section and click on Subscribe button.
How much does SendGrid Cost?
Plan | Basic | Pro | Ultra | Mega |
Pricing | $0.00/Month | $9.95/Month | $79.95/Month | $199.95/Month |
Quota | 100/day | 40,000/month | 100,000/month | 300,000/month |
Price per additional request | $0.001 | $0.001 | $0.00085 | $0.0005 |
Subscribe | Subscribe | Subscribe | Subscribe |
Related: Best Email APIs for You
SendGrid API Endpoints
The API functionality is available in the Endpoints section. The window is divided into three main areas. The first area on the left displays a list of available tasks sorted into 12 groups, and each task displays its HTTP method. For the SendGrid API, the following task groups are presented:
- Blocks
- Bounces
- Invalid Emails
- Spam Reports
- Cancel Scheduled Sends
- Unsubscribe Groups
- Suppressions (Unsubscribe)
- Settings – Tracking
- Settings – Mail
- Settings – Inbound Parse
- Account Stats.
Sending emails
The main objective of the SendGrid API is email sending. Send
endpoint in the Mail group is responsible for this function. Let’s select this task and test it right away. Just fill in the required fields (in the simplest case, just specify your email in the JSON parameter “to”) and click Test Endpoint. The API call will be sent immediately, and you will see the results on the right side of the page in the Sample Response block.
- NodeJS
- Python
- Ruby
- Objective-C
- Java
- and C#
For example, here’s a Ruby snippet for sending mail through SendGrid API:
response = Unirest.post "https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send", headers:{ "X-RapidAPI-Host" => "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key" => "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "Content-Type" => "application/json" } "{"personalizations":[{"to":[{"email":"john@example.com"}],"subject":"Hello, World!"}],"from":{"email":"from_address@example.com"},"content":[{"type":"text/plain","value":"Hello, World!"}]}"
Below, a similar task is implemented with SendGrid API C#:
Task<HttpResponse<MyClass>> response = Unirest.post("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send") .header("X-RapidAPI-Host", "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com") .header("X-RapidAPI-Key", "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body("{"personalizations":[{"to":[{"email":"john@example.com"}],"subject":"Hello, World!"}],"from":{"email":"from_address@example.com"},"content":[{"type":"text/plain","value":"Hello, World!"}]}") .asJson();
And, of course, SendGrid API Python:
response = unirest.post("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send", headers={ "X-RapidAPI-Host": "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key": "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, params=("{"personalizations":[{"to":[{"email":"john@example.com"}],"subject":"Hello, World!"}],"from":{"email":"from_address@example.com"},"content":[{"type":"text/plain","value":"Hello, World!"}]}") )
Scheduled Sends
Emails can be sent at a certain time to queued batches using a UNIX timestamp parameter. To do this, firstly, create batch_id using Create a batch ID
endpoint from the Cancel Scheduled Sends group.
endpoint of Mail group along with the send time in send_at
parameter in UNIX timestamp format. Emails can be scheduled only up to 72 hours in advance. You can also use send_each_at
parameter, which you can learn more about in the documentation.- validate batch ID
- cancel or pause a scheduled send
- retrieve all scheduled sends
- retrieve a specific scheduled send
- update user scheduled send information
- delete a cancellation or pause of a scheduled send.
After sending emails, you can explore statistics and find out which emails were blocked and which were classified as spam. To begin with, we will receive information about blocked emails (emails can be blocked for various reasons, for example, mail server IP address is on an ISP blacklist). Retrieve all blocks
endpoint from the Blocks group will help us with this task. Optionally, when accessing this endpoint, you can specify the start_time
and end_time
parameters in UNIX timestamp format to limit the time interval in which blocked messages were created. You can also specify limit
to bound the number of results obtained, and offset
to determine from which element number in the list to start displaying results.
Let’s get the list of blocked emails using PHP SendGrid API:
$response = UnirestRequest::get("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/suppression/blocks?start_time=1555410576&end_time=1555583376&limit=100&offset=10", array( "X-RapidAPI-Host" => "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key" => "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ) );
Blocks group also allows you to perform the following tasks:
- Retrieve a specific block (this endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific email address from your blocks list)
- Delete a specific block (removes a particular letter from the blocks list).
Further, we may need to examine our bounced emails. An email is bounced when the message is undeliverable and then returned to the server that sent it. We can perform this task using Retrieve all bounces
endpoint from the Bounces group. When accessing the endpoint, we can also specify the optional parameters limit
and offset
We will retrieve all our bounces with SendGrid API Java:
HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/suppression/bounces") .header("X-RapidAPI-Host", "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com") .header("X-RapidAPI-Key", "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .asJson();
Similar to the previous group, the Bounces group also allows you to perform the following tasks:
- Retrieve a bounce (endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific bounce for a given email address)
- Delete a bounce (allows you to remove an email address from your bounce list).
Invalid Emails
When sending emails, we can make some mistakes, for example, specify an email address incorrectly or send an email to a user who was removed from the recipient server a long time ago. We can retrieve a list of such invalid email addresses using Retrieve all invalid emails
endpoint from the Invalid Emails group. When accessing it, we can specify start_time
and end_time
parameters, as well as limit
and offset
Let’s get the invalid emails list using Ruby SendGrid API:
response = Unirest.get "https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/suppression/invalid_emails?limit=100&offset=7&start_time=1555410576&end_time=1555583376", headers:{ "X-RapidAPI-Host" => "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key" => "445fc65fe5msh23e488e3a6c1860p1628f3jsnecdc11ef78fd" }
Surely, Invalid Emails group allows you to retrieve a specific invalid email address using Retrieve a specific invalid email
endpoint and remove invalid email address list using Delete a specific invalid email
Spam Reports
Our emails may be classified by some recipients as spam. It is important for us to know the list of such recipients, and Retrieve all spam reports
endpoint from Spam Reports group will help us with this. As in many previous endpoints, when accessing it we have the opportunity to specify the optional parameters start_time
and end_time
as well as limit
and offset
, and again there are Delete a specific spam report
and Retrieve a specific spam report
We will retrieve all spam reports with SendGrid API Python:
response = unirest.get("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/suppression/spam_reports?limit=100&offset=10&start_time=1555410576&end_time=1555583376", headers={ "X-RapidAPI-Host": "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key": "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } )
Unsubscribe Groups (Suppression management)
SendGrid API allows you to create suppression groups or unsubscribe groups (specific types or categories of email that you would like your recipients to be able to unsubscribe from). You can create up to 25 different suppression groups. For example Daily Newsletters, Invoices, System Alerts. If your subscribers don’t like Invoices, they can add themselves to Invoices unsubscribe group or you can add your subscribers to this group by yourself.
You can create a suppression group with Create a new suppression group
endpoint from Unsubscribe Groups. When accessing it, specify the necessary JSON parameters name
and description
and the optional parameter is_default
Below is an example of creating a suppression group using SendGrid API Objective-C:
NSDictionary *headers = @{@"X-RapidAPI-Host": @"rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", @"X-RapidAPI-Key": @"4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", @"Content-Type": @"application/json"}; UNIUrlConnection *asyncConnection = [[UNIRest post:^(UNISimpleRequest *request) { [request setUrl:@"https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/asm/groups"]; [request setHeaders:headers]; [request setBody:@"{"name":"News","description":"News about products our users might like.","is_default":true}"]; }] asJsonAsync:^(UNIHTTPJsonResponse *response, NSError *error) { NSInteger code = response.code; NSDictionary *responseHeaders = response.headers; UNIJsonNode *body = response.body; NSData *rawBody = response.rawBody; }];
Unsubscribe Groups
endpoint group provides all necessary capabilities to manage your suppression groups. In addition, to Create a new suppression group
task, you can get information about a specific unsubscribe group, update information about a specific unsubscribe group, delete a specific group and retrieve all suppression groups associated with the user.
Suppressions (Unsubscribe)
After the unsubscribe group is created, you can add subscribers to it so that they stop receiving emails related to this group. To do this, you can use Add suppressions to a suppression group
endpoint from Suppressions (Unsubscribe) group. When accessing the mentioned endpoint, you should specify group_id
and email addresses
that you want to add to unsubscribe group.
We will add suppressions to a suppression group with SendGrid API Python:
response = unirest.post("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/asm/groups/10442/suppressions", headers={ "X-RapidAPI-Host": "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key": "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, params=("{"recipient_emails":["test1@example.com"]}") )
Now the subscriber test1@example.com will stop receiving our emails with the specified group id 10442.
Here is an example of sending a letter with a specific suppression group using SendGrid API Python:
response = unirest.post("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send", headers={ "X-RapidAPI-Host": "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key": "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, params=("{"personalizations":[{"to":[{"email":"test1@example.com"}],"subject":"Hello, World 3!"}],"from":{"email":"from_address@example.com"},"content":[{"type":"text/plain","value":"Hello, World!"}],"asm":{"group_id":10442}}") )
Suppressions (Unsubscribe) endpoint group gives you access to all necessary functionality for managing suppressions. For example, you can
- add/remove subscribers to/from certain suppression groups
- get all suppressions and get suppressions for a suppression group
- remove suppression from a suppression group
- obtain a list of all suppression groups for an email address
- search for suppressions within a group.
SendGrid API provides access to all of your account settings through Settings – Tracking, Settings – Mail, Settings – Inbound Parse endpoint groups. A detailed description of the settings deserves a separate article, so we will only describe in general what settings each group is responsible for.
- Settings – Tracking allows you to manage all tracking settings that you can enable on your account. You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.
- Settings – Mail helps you manage all mail settings. Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API. For example, you can add custom BCC to every email you send, manage whitelists, insert custom footer to every email you send, specify an email address to which spam reports will be forwarded, etc.
- Settings – Inbound Parse enables managing all of your current inbound parse settings. The inbound parse webhook allows you to have incoming emails parsed, extracting some or all of the content, and then have that content posted by SendGrid to an URL that you choose.
Account Stats
After all the work is done and the emails are sent out, you may want to study the statistics of your mailings. Account Stats endpoint group will help you with this. You will be able to perform the following tasks: retrieve global email statistics, retrieve statistics by country, state, device type, client type, mailbox provider and browser. While accessing these endpoints, you can specify a variety of parameters: get statistics for a certain time interval, group results, or limit the number of results obtained.
Use Case: Elon Musk Monitoring App
We will show a small example of how you can use SendGrid API together with other APIs from the RapidAPI platform in your applications. Imagine that you are acquainted with a group of Elon Musk’s fans. They want to receive all the news about him on their emails and they don’t want to miss out anything. For such purposes, we decided to write a small application in Python that will use the full power of RapidAPI. SendGrid API will deal with high-quality and reliable sending of emails while CivicFeed – News API will get all the latest news about Elon Musk.
import unirest import json from time import sleep rapidKey = "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
With the help of CivicFeed API, we create a function that will let us know the latest news about Elon Musk.
def fresh_news(): news = unirest.get("https://civicfeed-civicfeed-news-v1.p.rapidapi.com/news/search?q=Elon+Musk&from=2019-01-01&results=30&sort=created", headers={ "X-RapidAPI-Host": "civicfeed-civicfeed-news-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key": rapidKey } ) return news
We want our app to receive the latest news every minute. After that, it should clarify whether it has already sent this news by checking with the list of old news (old news headlines will be stored in the old_titles set). In case some of the news hasn’t been sent out yet – the app will send the latest news to emails list.
With the help of SendGrid API, we will create a function for sending emails:
def send_news(mails, sNews): jNews = json.dumps(sNews.encode('utf-8')) response = unirest.post("https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send", headers={ "X-RapidAPI-Host": "rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com", "X-RapidAPI-Key": rapidKey, "Content-Type": "application/json" }, params=("{"personalizations":[{"to":[%s],"subject":"Fresh Musk News!"}],"from":{"email":"news_address@example.com"},"content":[{"type":"text/html","value": %s }]}" % (jMails, jNews)) ) return response
We also require a custom jDict class for more convenient conversion of our emails list in JSON. We will store our emails in emails list in which each element is a tuple containing two values: the first is the string “email”, the second is the string with the email address itself. After that, we will make a jDict object from emails list and convert it to JSON with json.dumps method. We need this approach in order to convert our emails to the required JSON array format, which is necessary for the API.
class jDict(dict): def __init__(self, items): # need to have something in the dictionary self['something'] = 'something' self.items = items def __getitem__(self, key): return self.last_val def __iter__(self): subiter = iter(self.items) def generator(): for key, value in self.items: self.last_val = value yield key return generator() emails = [("email", "test1@example.com"), ("email", "test4@example.com"), ("email", "test3@example.com")] jMails = json.dumps(jDict(emails), sort_keys=False)
That’s all we need, so we can start sending letters and keep abreast of all the news from Elon Musk’s life.
old_titles = set() while True: news = fresh_news() to_send = [] for article in news.body['articles']: if article['title'] not in old_titles: to_send.append(article['title'] + "<br>" + article['url']) old_titles.add(article['title']) if len(to_send) > 0: sNews = "" for title in to_send: sNews += title + "<br><br>" response = send_news(jMails, sNews) print response.body sleep(60)
Here is an email we got:
In this article, we provided a general overview of SendGrid API capabilities through RapidAPI service. As we have shown, all the available SendGrid API functionality can be easily embedded in your application and at the same time, you have access to many other APIs. Thus, you get the possibility of vast expansion for your application and you don’t need to look for additional services as all possible APIs are available through the RapidAPI service.
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