Find over 356 API development guides, how-to's, and API tutorials published by RapidAPI developers. RapidAPI Learn platform offers guides, learn code labs, and video courses to help you learn API Development using fun challenges (with solutions!) and interactive examples. At RapidAPI, we care a lot about developers. Check out the following …
api tutorial
Learn API Development with RapidAPI Learn Codelabs
We built RapidAPI Learn to teach API development by doing. Imagine as if you're a master chief and you're teaching kids how to cook their first dish. What you teach them is not important, as all the kids care about going home and telling their mother "Look Ma! I cooked something". What they learn is important. Like what is it like to be in …
API Video Courses for API Developers | Free (28+)
At RapidAPI, we care a lot about developers. Our DevRel team works with amazing RapidAPI Developers Experts to produce fantastic yet free video courses using fun challenges (with solutions!) and some that even include complete full-stack development tutorials with 10+ hours of content. Check them out. — Free video courses …
How to Find Historical Weather Data using RapidAPI
Since so many real-world activities depend upon the weather, it is not a surprise that many data science and web-based projects also depend upon accurate and up-to-date weather data to achieve successful results. Data science initiatives such as machine learning and business intelligence get great business insight by comparing business data with …
How to Build an API in Python (with Django)
Today in this tutorial, we’re going to cover the following: How to start a project in Django. How to deliver JSON to a requester from our new API. How to deploy our new Django API to Heroku. How to include our new API in the RapidAPI marketplace. View the Best Python APIs List Start a Django project First, we’re going to create …
How To Use IMDb API with Python To Power Your Movie Search App
If you are a movie buff, then you surely want to keep up with the upcoming movies, and their star cast. But if you are a movie trivia buff then you will need to get access to some online resources which has all the information about movies, their cast, crew, plots and other finer details. Googling for movies conjures up images of the IMDB …
How To Build a Weather App in JavaScript (Node.js) Using the OpenWeatherMap API
The first official weather forecast ever appeared on the first of August 1861. The legendary vice-admiral Robert Fitzroy, a royal-navy officer and pioneer in meteorology, was collecting data for his Meteorological Office from 15 land stations across England. Nowadays, there are over 40000 stations across our planet, accessible via free, affordable, …
How to Send SMS Messages with PHP (using Nexmo or Twilio)
Quick Links Jump to: How to Send SMS with Nexmo How to Send SMS with Twilio How to Integrate SMS API in PHP When someone mentions SMS services, people tend to imagine a system of quick-messages transmission for communication between people. But in the modern world, SMS services provide high functionality useful for various tasks. Let's …
How to Build an API in Python (with Flask & RapidAPI)
If you are reading this article, you are probably familiar with the possibilities that open up when you use an API (Application Programming Interface). By using one of the many public APIs out there, you can expand the functionality of your application or enrich it with the necessary data. But what if you have created your own unique …
How To Use an API with JavaScript (The Complete Beginner’s Guide)
The modern web development world is impossible to imagine without JavaScript. Over the years of its growth, this language has gone from a small add-on to a multifunctional and powerful tool. Today JavaScript successfully helps developers with both frontend and backend work. Often the application functionality is mainly related to interaction with …
How to use an API with Python (Beginner’s Guide)
Nowadays, Python is one of the most popular and accessible programming languages. In 2019 it was ranked third in the TIOBE rating. Many experts believe that in 3-4 years it will overtake C and Java to lead the ratings. Based on this, it would not be surprising if you use Python for your next API interaction project. In this article, we will talk …
Introducing the QuickSet Cloud API: Automatically Discover IoT Device Information
We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Universal Electronics to launch the QuickSet Cloud Predictive Discovery API on RapidAPI. The QuickSet Cloud API utilizes the largest knowledge graph of devices to uniquely identify a device and its associated attributes such as device type, brand, model, etc. Identification can be done using a …
How To Use an API (The Complete Guide) [A Simple API Example]
What is an API and How Do They Work? In the process of improving your applications, you will eventually come across a term like API. API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is impossible to imagine modern development without APIs. This term has many definitions, but we will try to explain it as simple as possible. API is like an …
How to use the GeoDB Cities API to get the nearest city to a GPS location
Here's something that happens a lot with successful apps: User meets app. User logs into the app. App says "Greetings user, here is your customized content for <User's-Current-City>." App gets the user to come back. In this article, we walk you through how to use the GeoDB Cities API to implement Step 3 - getting the user's …
How To Use the FullContact API for Application Building (with Examples) [Tutorial]
In the business world, it is very important to know as much as possible about your partners or counterparts. This might be useful in many cases, for example, in lead generation. FullContact - Enrich API is designed especially to help you with this, allowing to perform two similar tasks, person enrich (FullContact Person API) and company enrich …