Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and microservices both have a different role in software development. Since there is an overlap between the two, it is confusing to understand the differences. In this blog post, we will define API and microservice and explain the similarities and differences. What is an API? An API, or Application …
api vs
API vs GUI (What are the Differences?)
API vs. GUI Application Programming Interface (API) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) are two phrases that are common in the realm of technology and software development. And since the two terms help facilitate interactions between users and computer applications, they can somehow confuse developers who are green in software development. In this …
Internal vs External APIs
Technological advancement has continued to transform the internet and how businesses utilize the internet. REST-based APIs have taken the place of SOAP Web services. REST APIs operate on HTTP that are lighter and easier to understand. That’s probably the reason why it has become a preferred method for developing enterprise APIs. It’s important …
What’s the Difference between WCF vs Web API?
In the fast-paced web development environment, there exist several frameworks and technologies that allow programmers to create HTTP services such as WCF and Web API. However, deciding which platform to utilize in your project can be daunting, considering that many of them often overlap in terms of approach and functionality. In this write-up, we …
REST API vs Web API (vs SOAP API) [What’s the Difference?]
REST API vs Web API In the world of web development, there are several confusing words that we often hear and let them pass because we can’t wrap our heads around them. They include Web API, REST API, and SOAP API, among others. If you have been finding these words confusing, read through to understand what they mean, how they relate, and their …
API vs SDK – What’s the Difference? (with Examples)
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Software Development Kits (SDKs) both have different roles in the software development process. Since there is a lot of overlap between the two, it can be confusing to understand the difference. Knowing how an API and SDK differ and function can help you decide which one you will need for your …
API vs Library (What’s the Difference?)
In computer programming, terminologies are sometimes confusing to both expert developers and beginners. A lot of programmers have had a problem differentiating between an API and a Library. The most confusing part is when people tell you that an API is part of the library, whereas a library is not an API. Before you get more confused, …
API vs Web Service: What’s the Difference?
API vs Web Service In August of 1991, the World Wide Web was born. It was nothing like it is today — in fact, it was slow and quite bare, with hardly any websites online. If you had your own website, you were one of the few out there! It was even a world before Google. Google didn’t exist until 1998 and most people used Yahoo! to search the …
More devices than ever communicate effortlessly with each other. JSON, SOAP, and REST are the primary web service languages that tie all of these different machines together in a cohesive whole. When a programmer wants to "get answers" from a third-party service, she'll tap into one of these three heavyweight acronyms to access their APIs. It's …