Currently, the big data market is experiencing significant growth. Big companies continue to thrive with the help of big data analytics. Implementing an appropriate analytics system assists the company in solving various problems it faces. According to a survey, the data analytics market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate …
big data
What Is Machine Learning, How Does It Work, and What Is It Used For?
As we continue to develop new technologies, we learn more about what computers are capable of doing. In fact, computers are becoming so advanced that we’re training them to act and think more as humans do. Computers are even “learning” how to function autonomously and can continuously improve on their own — all thanks to machine learning. What Is …
How Big Data Can Help Or Hinder Identity Theft Protection
These days, it’s hard to avoid existing on the internet. Whether you’re connecting with friends over apps like Facebook or Instagram, catching a ride with Uber or Lyft, or shopping on Amazon, there are plenty of opportunities for you to leave a digital footprint online. In fact, as long as you participate in the modern world, it’s hard to avoid …