Since its inception in 2009, Node.js has grown leaps and bounds in popularity. In parallel, the community has also contributed libraries and third-party packages. By virtue of its ability to run server-side logic, Node.js enjoys a lot of adoption for implementing REST APIs. In this blog post, we show you how to build a REST API using …
How to create a React app with Express
Creating web apps gives developers the power to reach a wide audience, for sharing content, selling products, and opening communication. In the past few years, the combination of Express.js and React.js has proven to be a powerful tool in the software developer's tool belt. With these two frameworks, front-end engineers can quickly create React …
How To Use the TripAdvisor API to Build a Simple Travel App
Let’s create an “Explore the World!” web app with TripAdvisor API. I’ll be showing you how to create the web app from ideation to implementation, and walking you through each step of the way with diagrams, explanations, and code samples. Let’s get started! Connect to the Tripadvisor API How to Build a Simple Travel App The idea behind the …
How to Create an App with Kairos Facial Recognition API in Javascript
What is Facial Recognition? Facial recognition is a system of processes or algorithms that translates the characteristics of a face from a digital source into numbers that can be used to later identify the face. Face detection, and the ethics surrounding the practice, has become an important topic in tech and a valid topic in political …
How To Create Your Own Weather Website
About a century ago, understanding and predicting the weather was all about guesswork, which most of the time turned to be untrue. However, today everyone can become an unmistakable oracle and access over 40000 weather stations via free, accurate, and advanced technologies. Today, you can build your website or app and search for any city by …
How to Build a Basic Geolocation Backend with Node/Express
Geolocation is the process of identifying the location of a device or person using digital information. Often, a website uses a Geolocation API to look up a user’s location by their IP address. This is useful for many things — particularly for apps that display localized search results (think Yelp for looking up restaurants near you, or Tinder for …
The Best NodeJS Frameworks for 2021
Choosing a framework for your NodeJS application can be tough. There are so many of them, with their own strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day, the framework you choose will depend on your programming environment, and what you want your app to do. Some frameworks are lightweight, fast and don’t care about how you build your app. Others …
How To Set Up a GraphQL Server with Node and Express
GraphQL is here to stay. Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying it's a powerful tool to have under your belt. In four short years, it's become one of the most popular open-source query languages. Many top companies now incorporate it into their APIs. The goal of this article is to get you comfortable with when and how to use GraphQL. …
How to Build a RESTful API in Node.js (with Express.js)
If you're in the tech industry, you probably already know you need to provide an easy way to discover and consume an API (Application Programming Interface). Ways to provide public data are quickly evolving, and you need to offer data in a simple and powerful API. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and is …