Social media websites have made face recognition pretty much a mundane thing nowadays. Facebook, Google, and others can easily recognize your face in a picture, making it easy for you to categorize and find them, build albums, etc. Building such an algorithm is no easy feat, which is one of the reasons you can find some services that provide this …
face detection
How to Build a Facial Recognition App (A Step-by-Step Guide & Tutorial) [using Python & Flask]
Have you ever seen how modern phones recognize the faces of their owners? Or maybe you are interested in the way phones or cameras can detect faces of people in real-time? This is possible due to computer vision (CV), a large subfield of machine learning. In this tutorial, we will show how to use computer vision inside your web application. The …
“FPEG” for PHP using a Face Detection API
What is FPEG? FPEG detects faces in an image and compresses those regions less than the surrounding pixels. In theory the human visual cortex is more sensitive to compression artifacts on faces then surrounding context, therefore using higher compression in non-facial regions will lead to smaller images with comparable perceived quality. -- Andrew …
What is Facial Recognition?
Facial Recognition Facial recognition technology uses advanced software, often operated by artificial intelligence (AI) in its increasingly sophisticated methods, to identify faces of people using cameras. The technology has come a long way in recent years and all indications point to the continued development of this technology until it …
Top 10 Facial Recognition APIs & Software of 2021
Honorable Mention OpenCV Although OpenCV isn't an API, it still deserves mention in this list. With over 3,000 optimized computer vision algorithms, there are a lot of options for how developers can make use of this open-source computer vision and machine learning library. Will you be using any of these APIs in your projects? Leave a comment …