What is Facial Recognition? Facial recognition is a system of processes or algorithms that translates the characteristics of a face from a digital source into numbers that can be used to later identify the face. Face detection, and the ethics surrounding the practice, has become an important topic in tech and a valid topic in political …
How To Build Support for Language Translating In Web Forms (Google Translate API Tutorial) [JavaScript]
We are back with yet another tutorial on Google Translate API. This time we are going to address the language personalization feature on the web with this API. As a non-native English speaker, if you come across a web form in English that you want to fill out and submit, it can be difficult to interpret the meaning of each form field. Using the …
How To Create a Weather App with React (OpenWeatherMap API)
What Is React (ReactJS)? At first glance, React is a front-end JavaScript library created by Facebook that is used to create user-interfaces (UI). If you’re new to React, or programming, it can seem slightly confusing, but after a few iterations, anyone can catch fire using it. I am going to give you the quick details then show you how easy it is …
How To Create Your Own Weather Website
About a century ago, understanding and predicting the weather was all about guesswork, which most of the time turned to be untrue. However, today everyone can become an unmistakable oracle and access over 40000 weather stations via free, accurate, and advanced technologies. Today, you can build your website or app and search for any city by …
How to Build Location Intelligence with IP Geolocation (in JavaScript)
Have you ever wondered how e-commerce websites display merchandise prices in your local currency? This is possible because they get the location details from the incoming request your browser sends. The Telize API integrates well with your web applications and provides location-specific information about the visitor. Overview of the Telize …
Build a Movie App with the IMDb API & React (Node.js)
Today we’ll learn how to build a simple web app that lets a user find and display information about their favorite movies using the RapidAPI IMDb Alternative. IMDb has a publicly accessible API, however, it is undocumented and difficult to use. The RapidAPI alternative - which is also free - provides an easier way to interface with the …
How to Create a Weather App with Dark Sky API and JavaScript (Node.js)
Checking the weather is part of billions of people’s daily routine. After all, it influences the clothes we wear, the activities we take part in, how we commute and whether you book that skiing trip that you and your buddies have been talking about for months. Weather forecasting and reports have come a long way. What used to be something only …
How To Build a Weather App in JavaScript (Node.js) Using the OpenWeatherMap API
The first official weather forecast ever appeared on the first of August 1861. The legendary vice-admiral Robert Fitzroy, a royal-navy officer and pioneer in meteorology, was collecting data for his Meteorological Office from 15 land stations across England. Nowadays, there are over 40000 stations across our planet, accessible via free, affordable, …
How To Use an API with JavaScript (The Complete Beginner’s Guide)
The modern web development world is impossible to imagine without JavaScript. Over the years of its growth, this language has gone from a small add-on to a multifunctional and powerful tool. Today JavaScript successfully helps developers with both frontend and backend work. Often the application functionality is mainly related to interaction with …
How To Use the Twitter API with JavaScript [4 Easy Steps]
Twitter is a popular social media platform. Anyone can get a free account, post updates on it, and follow accounts to see the latest updates of the people, topics, and news they're interested in. In this blog post, we'll look at how to use the Twitter API in combination with data from PeerReach.com. Specifically we will use this API: If …
Optimizing SEO for Single Page Applications with Isomorphic JavaScript
When we built RapidAPI, we wanted to reap the functional benefits of a single page application (SPA). However, we ran into some challenges with how search engines processed and indexed our website. We found a solution by using isomorphic JavaScript. Here's how we did it. Origins and Benefits of the SPA First, we want to fully explain the …