Getting information or metadata about countries is critical for many software applications. For instance, most product registration forms require clients to specify their country, country code, and other related information. Moreover, some shipping-related software needs to return the country codes for faster shipments. In such scenarios, it is …
rest api
Top Golang Web Frameworks to Choose In 2021
Golang has become one of the mandatory tools for developers to write APIs and for developing web services. It is one of the brilliant initiatives by Google that has surged in popularity among the developer’s community. Many consider it the future of web programming as it offers clarity and ease-of-use and carries out most of the functions that …
REST API Documentation Templates, Tools, and Examples
Application Programming Interface or API is a concept in software technology that defines the interactions between multiple applications and data exchange. Developers use APIs to write software, and the interface is how non-programming users interact with applications on their devices. An API works by helping an application retrieve specific …
REST API Best Practices for REST API Developers
Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are a way to connect apps and websites to information on servers. The REST API architecture makes it simple for developers to request stored data or add new entries to a database. Because these structures have become so common in web development, it is helpful to learn and use REST API best practices when …
What is API Design? API Design Best Practices and Principals for APIs
Before any development is made on any structure or even product, there must be a well-established plan and well-informed decisions to ensure the product produces the desired functionalities. These decisions and plans make up the design process. Therefore, significant design decisions and planning lead to better outcomes. APIs are no different …
REST vs gRPC: Understanding Two Very Different API Styles
There is a lot of information on the Internet about gRPC and REST APIs. In fact, there is so much out there that it's hard to sort it all out. It's common for developers of new APIs to struggle with selecting the best kind of API framework, let alone keeping up with the skills they need to write effective APIs for themselves or for clients. For …
How to use a Car Database API
Introduction Open data APIs provide us with the ability to query large data sets in meaningful ways, drill down to the data being requested in our library and present it to the caller with all relevant context. To get information about specific vehicles, we need to use a car data API. These APIs provide detailed information about vehicle brands …
How To Convert An Existing Rails App to an API
Ruby on Rails is a great framework to build web applications. A great share of websites and services use it nowadays, including GitHub, Airbnb and Shopify. Since its introduction 14 years ago, it has evolved into a mature, flexible and extremely powerful tool to develop entire web services. Moreover, the community around it is huge, meaning …
The Best NodeJS Frameworks for 2021
Choosing a framework for your NodeJS application can be tough. There are so many of them, with their own strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day, the framework you choose will depend on your programming environment, and what you want your app to do. Some frameworks are lightweight, fast and don’t care about how you build your app. Others …
REST API vs Web API (vs SOAP API) [What’s the Difference?]
REST API vs Web API In the world of web development, there are several confusing words that we often hear and let them pass because we can’t wrap our heads around them. They include Web API, REST API, and SOAP API, among others. If you have been finding these words confusing, read through to understand what they mean, how they relate, and their …
How To Use an API (The Complete Guide) [A Simple API Example]
What is an API and How Do They Work? In the process of improving your applications, you will eventually come across a term like API. API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is impossible to imagine modern development without APIs. This term has many definitions, but we will try to explain it as simple as possible. API is like an …
How To Use An API with Java (The Complete Beginner’s Guide)
In this article, we will talk about the best technology of the interaction between software and test it on the most popular language for creating software. Browse the Best Free APIs List What is Java REST API? This is a tough question so we'll divide it into a few parts. Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. According …
API vs Library (What’s the Difference?)
In computer programming, terminologies are sometimes confusing to both expert developers and beginners. A lot of programmers have had a problem differentiating between an API and a Library. The most confusing part is when people tell you that an API is part of the library, whereas a library is not an API. Before you get more confused, …
API vs Web Service: What’s the Difference?
API vs Web Service In August of 1991, the World Wide Web was born. It was nothing like it is today — in fact, it was slow and quite bare, with hardly any websites online. If you had your own website, you were one of the few out there! It was even a world before Google. Google didn’t exist until 1998 and most people used Yahoo! to search the …