An over-the-top (OTT) platform is a service that delivers video content over the internet. Users can access such content on their smartphones, personal computers, smart TVs, and other supported devices. OTT platforms have literally taken the entertainment industry by storm. With millions of subscribers to various OTT streaming services in the US alone, OTT platforms are definitely here to stay. Some of the popular OTT platforms are Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, and Hulu to name a few. Not only do users watch the content streamed on these platforms, but there is also a keen interest in finding out information related to OTT content like the synopsis of a show, details of a particular episode, etc. Thus, a number of OTT content-related REST APIs have emerged to fulfill this user interest. One such API is the unogsNG API. In this article, we will be learning about this API and its features.
What is the unogsNG API?
Though there are a number of OTT platforms across the world, Netflix is without a doubt the leading OTT provider. It has a global presence with thousands (if not millions) of shows in several countries across the world. unogsNG is an unofficial search platform for Netflix. At its core, it allows searching for Netflix titles based on a wide variety of parameters like country, genre, rating, and much more. In addition, it also provides features like listing Netflix titles by country, titles that will be expiring soon, etc. The unogsNG API is a REST API for unogsNG. So, it provides various endpoints that search and return unogsNG data.
Who can use the unogsNG API?
The unogsNG API can be used to develop websites/mobile applications that provide complete Netflix information and allow users to search for Netflix shows based on a wide variety of parameters. Moreover, existing entertainment websites can also leverage the unogsNG API to provide Netflix content/search features to their users. The unogsNG API can also be used by content creators to understand what is currently available on Netflix. Moreover, this information can be used to analyze the competition and thus determine the right OTT platform for hosting their content. Finally, the unogsNG API can be used by other OTT platforms to gain an insight into what is available on Netflix. This can help them devise a marketing strategy.
How does the unogsNG API work?
The unogsNG API is a REST API and works on REST principles. Just to give a brief overview, a REST API (also known as a REST service) exposes data in the form of HTTP URLs which are also known as REST endpoints. Such information can be consumed by a client application (also known as a REST client). In order to consume an endpoint, a client needs to supply the endpoint URL, authentication headers (to validate the client), and request parameters (values required by an API endpoint to process a request). The REST service first authenticates the client and if successful, returns an HTTP status code along with the data corresponding to the request.
The unogsNG API works on the same principles. In order to invoke an API endpoint, a client application needs to invoke the corresponding API endpoint with the authentication headers (RapidAPI key and RapidAPI host), and request parameters. The endpoint then retrieves the requested information from the unogsNG database and returns it to the client application.
How to use the unogsNG API
You can use RapidAPI to connect to the unogsNG API and view the API endpoints. Not only does RapidAPI provide sample responses for the API endpoints, but it also allows executing an API endpoint from within the browser itself. Developers can use this feature to execute an endpoint and view its response without having to write code. In addition, RapidAPI also provides code snippets in popular programming languages. Thus, developers do not need to write code from scratch.
To use RapidAPI to connect to the unogsNG API, you need to follow the steps given below.
Step 1 – Signing Up
The first step is to create a RapidAPI account as described below.
a. Enter the unogsNG RapidAPI URL ( ) in a browser. Click on the Log In/Sign Up button in the top right corner. This redirects to the following authentication page:
b. Authenticate yourself using any of the methods shown on the page like Google, GitHub, Facebook, etc. Upon successful authentication, the following page is displayed:
Step 2 – Subscribing to the unogsNG API
In order to be able to execute an endpoint, you need to subscribe to the API. The unogsNG API offers several plans. You can select a plan that is appropriate for your requirements.
To subscribe to the API, you need to do the following:
a. Click on the Pricing Tab. This displays all the available plans:
b. Select the desired plan and click Subscribe. I will choose the Basic (Free) plan which allows 100 requests per day. Although the free plan requires credit card details, your credit card will be charged only if you exceed the free requests. You can enter your credit card details as follows:
c. On entering credit card details, the following screen is displayed:
Step 3 – Executing an endpoint
As mentioned earlier, RapidAPI allows executing an endpoint method and viewing its response in the browser itself without having to write any code. To execute an endpoint, you need to do the following:
a. Click on the EndPoints tab. All the available endpoints are displayed on the left:
b. Click the endpoint that you would like to execute. I have selected the Genres endpoint. Click the Test Endpoint button:
c. View the Response in the Results tab:
In addition, you can directly view a sample response without executing an endpoint by clicking the Example Responses tab:
Step 4 – Obtaining a code snippet
RapidAPI provides code snippets in several programming languages. Not only that, it provides code for multiple HTTP libraries in each programming language. You can copy the code snippet in the desired programming language/HTTP library and use it in your application.
For example, to obtain a code snippet in C, you need to do the following:
a. Click on C -> Libcurl in the Code Snippets tab:
b. Copy the C code shown and use it as desired:
unogsNG API EndPoints
Let us now take a detailed look at the unogsNG API endpoints.
Category | Endpoint Name | Endpoint Description | Parameters |
static | Genres | Returns a list of all the available Netflix genres. For each genre, returns the genre name and its Netflix id. | None |
static | Countries | Returns a list of all the countries in which Netflix is available. For each country, returns the country name, country code, and country id. | None |
search | Deleted | Searches for deleted titles based on certain parameters. For each deleted title, returns information like the date on which the title was deleted, country code, title name, etc.
| limit – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the number of results to return. offset – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the offset from where to start the returned result. countrylist – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies a comma separate list of country ids. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles deleted from these countries. The country id can be obtained via the static/countries endpoint. date – Optional parameter of type Date. Specifies the date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If specified, the endpoint only returns the titles deleted after this date. netflixid – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the Netflix title id. Although all the above parameters are optional, at least one parameter needs to be specified, otherwise, an empty body is returned. |
search | Search | Searches for Netflix titles based on a variety of parameters and returns the titles that match the specified search criteria. For each title, returns information like title name, countries list, title synopsis, etc. | newdate – Optional parameter of type Date. If specified, the endpoint returns all titles that are dated after this date. genrelist – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies a comma-separated list of the genre ids. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles from these genres. A genre id can be obtained via the static/genres endpoint. type – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the type of Netflix titles to be returned. Possible values are movie/series. start_year – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles that are released in or after this year. orderby – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the field by which the results should be ordered. Possible values are date, dateDesc, rating, title, type, runtime, filmyear, filmyearDesc audiosubtitle_andor – Optional parameter of type String. Possible values are and/or. Used in conjunction with the subtitle and audio parameters. If the value and is specified, the endpoint returns all titles that have the specified subtitle language and specified audio language. If the value or is specified, the endpoint returns all titles that have either the specified subtitle language or the specified audio language. start_rating – Optional parameter of type String. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles that have the specified IMDB rating or higher. Possible values are between 1 to 10. limit – Optional parameter of type Number. Specifies the number of results to return. end_rating – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles that have the specified IMDB rating or lower. Possible values are between 1 to 10. subtitle – Optional parameter of type String. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles that have subtitles in this language. countrylist – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies a comma-separated list of country ids. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles from these countries. The country id can be obtained via the static/countries endpoint. query – Optional parameter of type String. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles that contain this text in the title name or synopsis. country_andorunique – Optional parameter of type String. Possible values are and/or/unique. Used in conjunction with the countrylist parameter. If the value or is specified, returns titles that are available in any of the specified countries. If the value and is specified, returns titles that are available in all the selected countries. offset – Optional parameter of type Number. Specifies the offset from where to start the returned result. end_year – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, the endpoint only returns titles that are released in or before this year. |
search | People | Search for Netflix titles based on the name of an actor. For each title, returns the title name, title id and the full name of the actor searched. | netflixid – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, returns only the title that has this netflixid. offset – Optional parameter of type Number. Specifies the offset from where to start the returned result. name – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the name of the person to search for. Either the first name or the last name or both can be specified. Although this parameter is optional, if not specified, the endpoint returns an empty body. limit – Optional parameter of type Number. Specifies the number of results to return. |
Details | Episodes | Searches for episodes based on certain parameters and returns details about the episode. For each episode, returns information like the episode title, episode synopsis, etc. | netflixid – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, returns details about all the episodes in all the seasons of the Netflix title with this netflixid. episodeid – Optional parameter of type number. If specified, returns details about the episode with this id. seasonid – Optional parameter of type number. If specified, returns details about all the episodes in the season with this season id. Although all the above parameters are optional, at least one parameter needs to be specified, otherwise, an empty body is returned. |
Details | Expiring | Returns a list of the expiring titles. For each title, returns the date on which the title expires, the country code and the title name. | countrylist – Mandatory parameter of type String. Specifies a comma-separated list of country ids. If specified, the endpoint only returns expiring titles from these countries. The country id can be obtained via the static/countries endpoint. offset – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the offset from where to start the returned result. limit – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the number of results to return. |
Details | Title Details | Returns information about a particular Netflix title. For each title, returns information like the title name, title runtime (in minutes), title synopsis, IMDB rating, and much more. | netflixid – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, returns details about the Netflix title with this netflixid. imdbid – Optional parameter of type Number. If specified, returns details about the Netflix title with this imdbid. Although both the above parameters are optional, at least one parameter needs to be specified, otherwise, an error message is returned. |
Details | Title Genres | Returns a list of all the genres associated with a particular Netflix title. For each genre, returns information like the genre name and genre id. | netflixid – Mandatory parameter of type Number. Specifies the Netflix title id for which genres need to be retrieved |
Details | Title Countries | Returns a list of all the countries associated with a particular Netflix title. For each country, returns information like the country name, the languages in which audio is available for that country, the languages in which subtitles are available for that country, etc. | netflixid – Mandatory parameter of type Number. Specifies the Netflix title id for which the country list needs to be retrieved. |
Details | Images | Returns a list of all the images associated with a particular Netflix title. For each image, returns the image URL, Netflix id, etc. | netflixid – Mandatory parameter of type Number. Specifies the Netflix title id for which the image list needs to be retrieved. offset – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the offset from where to start the returned result. limit – Optional parameter of type String. Specifies the number of results to return. |
How to use the unogsNG API with various programming languages
As explained earlier, RapidAPI provides code snippets in various programming languages like Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, NodeJS, etc. which can be used to execute the API endpoints. For each programming language, it provides code snippets using multiple HTTP client libraries. Let us take a look at a few code samples.
Using the unogsNG API with Java
In order to use the unogsNG API with Java, click the desired API endpoint on the left. In the code snippets tab, select Java and the desired HTTP library. Copy the code snippet and use it as required.
For example, RapidAPI provides the following Java code for the static/genres endpoint using the AsyncHttp library:
AsyncHttpClient client = new DefaultAsyncHttpClient(); client.prepare("GET", "") .setHeader("x-rapidapi-key", "<your key here>") .setHeader("x-rapidapi-host", "<your host here>") .execute() .toCompletableFuture() .thenAccept(System.out::println) .join(); client.close();
Using the unogsNG API with Python
In order to use the unogsNG API with Python, click the desired API endpoint on the left. In the code snippets tab, select Python and the desired HTTP library. Copy the code snippet and use it as required.
For example, RapidAPI provides the following Python code for the static/genres endpoint using the Requests library:
import requests url = "" headers = { 'x-rapidapi-key': "<your key here>", 'x-rapidapi-host': "<your host here>" } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) print(response.text)
Using the unogsNG API with PHP
In order to use the unogsNG API with PHP, click the desired API endpoint on the left. In the code snippets tab, select PHP and the desired HTTP library. Copy the code snippet and use it as required.
For example, RapidAPI provides the following PHP code for the static/genres endpoint using the HTTP v2 library:
<?php $client = new http\Client; $request = new http\Client\Request; $request->setRequestUrl(''); $request->setRequestMethod('GET'); $request->setHeaders([ 'x-rapidapi-key' => '<your key here>', 'x-rapidapi-host' => '<your host here>' ]); $client->enqueue($request)->send(); $response = $client->getResponse(); echo $response->getBody();
Using the unogsNG API with Ruby
In order to use the unogsNG API with Ruby, click the desired API endpoint on the left. In the code snippets tab, select Ruby and the desired HTTP library. Copy the code snippet and use it as required.
For example, RapidAPI provides the following Ruby code for the static/genres endpoint using the net::http library:
require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'openssl' url = URI("") http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = request["x-rapidapi-key"] = '<your key here>' request["x-rapidapi-host"] = '<your host here>' response = http.request(request) puts response.read_body
Using the unogsNG API with Javascript
In order to use the unogsNG API with Javascript, click the desired API endpoint on the left. In the code snippets tab, select Javascript and the desired HTTP library. Copy the code snippet and use it as required.
For example, RapidAPI provides the following Javascript code for the static/genres endpoint using the jQuery library:
const settings = { "async": true, "crossDomain": true, "url": "", "method": "GET", "headers": { "x-rapidapi-key": "<your key here>", "x-rapidapi-host": "<your host here>" } }; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
In addition, you can also use RapidAPI to obtain code snippets in several other programming languages like Node.js, C, Kotlin, Swift, etc.
Why should you use the unogsNG API?
The most important reason to choose the unogsNG API is that it is perhaps currently the only API available for Netflix data. Moreover, it has extensive data about thousands of Netflix titles across multiple genres and countries making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for a complete Netflix solution. Secondly, the unogsNG API offers an elaborate search feature. The search endpoint accepts a wide number of parameters that allow searching for Netflix titles based on multiple parameters like genre, type of content, rating, country, and many more. Additionally, it allows sorting the search results on the basis of a user-specified field like date, title, type, rating, etc. Finally, the unogsNG API is very simple and easy to use. Not only are all the API endpoints self-explanatory, but even their parameters are easy to understand. This reduces the developer ramp-up time and thus the overall software development time.
Other Similar APIs
Just like unogsNG, there are many other APIs available on RapidAPI that provide information related to OTT content. Let us take a look at some of these APIs.
- uTelly API – The uTelly API provides information about TV shows, Movies, and series from a variety of services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, etc.
- Movie Database (IMDB Alternative) API – As the name suggests, the Movie Database API is an alternative to the IMDb API. It provides detailed information about movies and TV shows like Genre, Year, IMDB rating. Release Date and much more.
- Entertainment Data Hub API – The Entertainment Data Hub API is another API that provides information about movies, video games, and TV series. It provides information like availability on streaming services, year of release, ratings, and more.
- OTT details API – The OTT Details API provides details of Movie and TV across 150+ Streaming platforms in the US and India such as HBO, YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video, Hotstar, Hulu, etc.
So, to summarize, Netflix is a very popular OTT platform. The unogsNG is a database that provides Netflix data and the unogsNG API is a REST API for unogsNG. It exposes several endpoints that allow searching for Netflix titles based on several parameters, obtaining information about the available genres, obtaining episode details, and much more. In this article, we learned about all the endpoints that this API provides, the benefits of this API, and other alternate APIs in the OTT content arena. We also learned how we can use RapidAPI to connect to the unogsNG API, execute the API endpoints and also obtain code snippets in different programming languages.
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