App Stores

By Daniel Amitay | Updated hace 16 días | Tools

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Failure Rate

Rapid account: Amangupta 2
hace 9 meses

Have experienced 30% of failure rate.
Is there any support team which can assist us around that? as we are planning to take this in production.

Aman Gupta

Rapid account: Amangupta 2
amangupta2 Commented hace 9 meses

Also, Yes I’m seeing aribitary requests which are failing at 30% rate.

Also when I’m searching the app via its url I’m not getting results for some of the app which are listed in android but this api isnt returning


Rapid account: Amangupta 2
amangupta2 Commented hace 9 meses

Query parameters --> store=google&term=cricbuzz&language=en

Rapid account: Amangupta 2
amangupta2 Commented hace 9 meses

I’m using this API -->
502,500 are the various codes which i get oftenly.

Email Id from which key has been raised is :

Rapid account: Danielamitay
danielamitay Commented hace 9 meses

Hey Aman,

Could you provide a few examples of the requests you’re sending that result in a failure? Are you seeing arbitrary requests fail at a 30% rate, or do the requests that fail continue to fail no matter what? Which endpoint(s) are you hitting, and is your input data from users/humans (e.g. search terms from an input field, etc)?

Please also let me know if you are using the API via a different account/username, as I do not currently see your account in our analytics as I look to debug.

  • Daniel

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