TikTok Scraper

Durch JoTucker | Aktualisiert hace 5 días | Social

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How to use cursor in `User videos full` API?

Rapid account: Deleted
hace 25 días

by default it is giving only 30 videos.
how can I use cursor to get more videos. can you please share a sample code?

If it is possible to mention how many videos I wants to get in by using count param in api call. please let me know.

Rapid account: Jo Tucker
JoTucker Commented hace 25 días

The cursor is in the response. First you make a request without cursor, then you can get the cursor from the response. Then you can make a new request with this cursor, and so on.

Please check the “User videos full” endpoint.

Rapid account: Jo Tucker
JoTucker Commented hace 25 días

You can try the “User videos full” endpoint. And the “User videos” will be deprecated in the future.

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