Instagram Scrapper – Posts & Reels & Stories Downloader

Durch SocialScrapper | Aktualisiert 11日前 | Social

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Ability to scrap private accounts

Rapid account: Sofialopez 120499

I need to get data from a private account, which I can follow from my personal account.

Is there an option to connect my profile to your API, so I can get a followers, followings, media and highlights with your endpoints?

Rapid account: Social Scrapper
SocialScrapper Commented 2ヶ月前

Hello, @sofialopez120499!

Instagram have a strict limit for a parsing volume that could cause a ban for an account used for parsing.

  • For example: you could get ~5k followers per day from one account before it gets banned.

We don’t want to put your personal accounts at risk of getting banned, so there is no option to use your account access token in our endpoints.

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