twitter v1.1 v2 api

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UserTweets missing part of conversation tweets

Rapid account: Sourcefrom
3달 전


The UserTweets endpoint occasionally returns partial results of a conversation. For instance, the user posts 1, 2, 3, 4 tweets as part of the conversation, but only 1, 3, 4 are returned.

Thanks for looking into this.


Rapid account: Abcdsxg
abcdsxg Commented 3달 전

In the tweets list, appending too many replies gets collapsed in the middle, which is indeed the case when looking at it on the web page. So if you need the full thread, you need to request the tweet details.

Rapid account: Sourcefrom
sourcefrom Commented 3달 전

My question is, the UserTweets endpoint return result does NOT include the missing #2 tweet, only its tweet ID is included (1772617247623901481). You can reproduce the problem with this curl request:

curl --location --globoff ‘{“userId”%3A"991505550734082049"%2C"count"%3A40%2C"includePromotedContent"%3Afalse%2C"withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields"%3Atrue%2C"withVoice"%3Atrue%2C"withV2Timeline"%3Atrue}
–header ‘X-RapidAPI-Host:
–header ‘X-RapidAPI-Key: my-api-key’

Your reply is certainly correct that the missing tweet does exist, and can certainly be retrieved with TweetDetail, but that’s not the question/problem.

Hope this clarifies the issue.


Rapid account: Abcdsxg
abcdsxg Commented 3달 전

The api is working properly, if you think the api data format is too complex, you can use the /sapi/TweetDetail

Rapid account: Sourcefrom
sourcefrom Commented 3달 전

Example conversation:

#2 is missing from UserTweets return results. The conversation has 4 tweets, but only #1, #3 and #4 are returned, not #2.

Or perhaps I am missing something about the link structure.


Rapid account: Abcdsxg
abcdsxg Commented 3달 전

We return raw api data and don’t have this problem, can you give a link of the tweet?

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