HumanGraphics Name Parser

Durch aleph0 | Aktualisiert 2 месяца назад | Data
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Parsing a Name

To parse a name, simply make the following HTTP request, captured below as a curl command:

curl -XPOST https://$HOSTNAME/v1/humans/names/parse \
    -H "authorization: bearer $API_KEY" \
    -H "content-type: application/json" \
    --data-binary '{"text":"Fox Mulder"}'

This will produce data like the following:

  "confidence": 0.94595706,
  "match": {
    "template": {
      "text": "<GIVEN_NAME> <FAMILY_NAME>"
    "givenName": {
      "type": "single",
      "matchedText": "fox",
      "singleBarreledHumanNamePartAttributes": {}
    "middleName": null,
    "secondMiddleName": null,
    "nickName": null,
    "familyName": {
      "type": "single",
      "matchedText": "mulder",
      "singleBarreledHumanNamePartAttributes": {}
    "secondFamilyName": null
  "age": null,
  "ageEstimate": null,
  "gender": "male",
  "genderEstimate": {
    "male": 0.867,
    "female": 0.132
  "race": null,
  "raceEstimate": null,
  "country": "NL",
  "countryEstimate": {
    "NL": 0.464,
    "ZA": 0.096,
    "US": 0.068,
    "EG": 0.063,
    "FR": 0.043,
    "RU": 0.043,
    "IT": 0.034,
    "MX": 0.025,
    "SA": 0.02,
    "HK": 0.019,
    "PE": 0.017,
    "CO": 0.015,
    "GB": 0.014,
    "SD": 0.013,
    "MY": 0.013