Product Search By Image

Durch andrew borland | Aktualisiert hace un mes | Search

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Rapid account: Mhisham 3973
hace un mes

Hello Andrey,

Few concerns:

  1. API Plan needs to be cheaper + revised to accomodate higher number of requests at one low price per month or if you can add an unlimited plan, that woud be best.

  2. Possible to add other stores & marketplace such as shopify?

  3. Possible to return the value of sales count of these suppliers of similar image product good?!

  4. and a language paramater to ensure it shows you filtered results and URL not chinese or japanese.
    Rest is awesome, thank you very much! I hope you can adjust the above so that I can be a long time customer.


Rapid account: Andreychertovsky
andreychertovsky Commented hace 25 días

Thanks for the informative feedback.
We are already working on some additional features, including those you mentioned.
We will notify you of important changes.

Rapid account: Mhisham 3973
mhisham3973 Commented hace un mes
  1. Possible to add a search parameter? where i can easily search a term to better support the image search?! for example i upload iphone 15 picture but your api giving me result of covers ( and not iphone suppliers/sellers) so maybe a search parameter can be added which further tells the api that it should priotize PHONE category etc…

  2. It would be best if you can add a min price / max price feature where i can adjust what type of price range i should expect from the api results ( THIS WOULD BE GAME CHANGER )

  3. Lastly, can you ensure the results from sites like EBAY are not old links of seller posts which are not active anymore? most of the api response leads to “SORRY THIS SELLER IS NOT SELLING ANYMORE” on ebay.

I am ready to become a fulltime buyer and service over 100k request a month with you hopefully if you can help me with the above issues.

Thank you!

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