Animetrics Face Recognition

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API key is invalid only when using Mashape API

Rapid account: Seac
il y a 8 ans

Sending API request directly (not using mashape) is working fine.
But when sending request via Mashape, using the same API key, i get an error indicating the API key is invalid (not mashape api key)

How to solve this issue ?

Thank you.

Rapid account: Animetrics
animetrics Commented il y a 7 ans

Sorry, for some reason we only get support notifications sometimes. Please email us directly at when you are having problems.

I believe your issue is due to using deprecated URL, e.g. /detect instead of /v2/detect. If you are still having problems, please email us directly.

Rapid account: Seac
seac Commented il y a 8 ans

is it possible to get an answer ?

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