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Charlotte Hornets Player Data is wrong

Rapid account: Cammays 47
год назад

For the last two games with ID 11647 and 11632, it appears to be showing their quarter time / half time stats and not the full game stats. It is showing the starters as only playing about 15 minutes.

Rapid account: Cammays 47
cammays47 Commented год назад

The last GSW and LAL game has wrong stats for all players

Rapid account: Cammays 47
cammays47 Commented год назад

Player data is broken again, for Atlana Hawks last game it has only recorded the first 3 minutes of play for the starting 5.

Rapid account: Cammays 47
cammays47 Commented год назад

Data is still wrong, last game for Orlando Magic is off by about 10 minutes and all of the player stats are incorrect.

Can I get another update on this?

Rapid account: Cammays 47
cammays47 Commented год назад


Seems to have happened again with TOR, NYK, and a few other teams. Just recording their first quarter or halftime stats.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented год назад


Thanks we will check this.


Rapid account: Cammays 47
cammays47 Commented год назад

Any update on this?

Rapid account: Cammays 47
cammays47 Commented год назад

In fact it is multiple teams, Washington, Utah, Toronto, Milwaukee, Memphis, Miami.

Anyone else noticing incomplete data for players?

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