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Can you get info for multiple TV shows from one API endpoint?

Rapid account: Xreed Ng J Je C 4 Tra 6
2 years ago

Im seeing that you can only get multiple movie info from one endpiont (get-meta-data endpoint). However, i dont see an equivalent for tv shows. Am i wrong?

Otherwise, my web app will exceed the rate limit if i have to make a request for each tv show id i get from get-coming-soon-tv-shows (Ie, request coming soon tv show ids (1 request), then follow up with getting info for each tv show id i get (multiple requests, depending on the number of tv shows i want)).

Thanks if anyone can help:)

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


Please give me some TV show IDs. The …/get-meta-data endpoint also work with TV show, you didn’t even try it yet.


Rapid account: Xreed Ng J Je C 4 Tra 6
xreed-ngJJeC4tra6 Commented 2 years ago

Hi apidojo, for context, i have a website I created for a CS class thats using this API.

To explain via an exmple, say I want to show 10 tv shows on a single page. In that case, what im asking is, is there an endpiont that i can pass all 10 tv show id’s (ID’s which i got from /get-coming-soon-tv-shows) through the parameters? For an example of such an endpoint that can send multiple ids to, get-meta-data allows that. However, /get-meta-data only works (to my understanding) for movies info, and i need tv shows info.

The reason im asking is that i need to reduce API calls to avoid exceeding the rate limit.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


There are

The endpoint …/auto-complete is mapped to the search bar on top of page. You always search for something before seeing detail pages, don’t you. And you can only see a detailed page at a time. The endpoint intend to work with application having actual interfaces. If you scrape for data, you have to solve the issue on your own OR you may send inquiry to for a custom plan.


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