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pagination limit

Rapid account: Jose Eao R 0 Ws J
vor 2 Jahren

I am noticing that if you grab listings for an area that has over 10k listings that although you can paginate through them in batches of 200 using offset, when offset is greater than 10k that I get a 400 status for going over the limit. Is this intended? I don’t see the difference if we are still getting in batches of 200.

This is creating complicated logic when populating a map. We have to check if the matching rows are greater than 10k then break up the map bounds into smaller squares and continue doing that over and over until you get smaller chunks.

I am using /properties/v2/list-for-sale with min max coordinates. I am not even sure on how to do it if I use state / city that has more than 10k listings.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented vor 2 Jahren


This API reproduces PUBLIC data and features of Realtor. All endpoints are mapped to accordingly features on the site, ex : the auto complete endpoint is mapped to the search bar. All modern website will have some ways to protect their data from scraper like you, what you said is one of them. All endpoints are intended to work with applications having actual user interfaces. Is there one going from page to page with that large range of 10k records? If you want to scrape for data, our API may help you to make everything simpler but you are still controlled or limited by the server side of Realtor. For now, you may try again with smaller area or apply filters to reduce the number of total records.


Rapid account: Jose Eao R 0 Ws J
jose-EaoR0-wsJ Commented vor 2 Jahren

Also when trying to subdivide recursively, I hit and area of the ocean in the pacific that cannot be subdivided. Is this a test box?

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'X-RapidAPI-Host:' \
--header 'X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_KEY

has addresses like this:

            "address": {
                "city": "Binder",
                "line": "117 Data Agg Test Blvd",
                "postal_code": "00003",
                "state_code": "ZZ",
                "state": null,
                "county_needed_for_uniq": false,
                "lat": 37.1,
                "lon": -156.5

If it is a test box, is there a list available of these areas? Will they ever be over land?

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