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Cached results for product

Rapid account: Zipy Holdings 1
vor 10 Monaten

Hi! i try to make a request for same product, but different regions and i always got response from 1st request. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make /product/detail request with next params:


  1. Make another request for same item but with other country/currency params:


  1. For second request you will get same response as for the first.

Looks like you cached results only by a goods_id, please fix this

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented vor 10 Monaten


Yes, I do.


Rapid account: Zipy Holdings 1
ZipyHoldings1 Commented vor 10 Monaten

You may try appending …&t=“random number” to the URL to eliminate the case.

Thank you for this solution, it works!

I check the back-end configuration for caching mechanism and disable it.

Please do not disable caching

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented vor 10 Monaten


I check the back-end configuration for caching mechanism and disable it.
I am not sure whether or not the response is cached locally by your program or RapidAPI side. You may try appending …&t=“random number” to the URL to eliminate the case.


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