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API Data not updating in real time

Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
19 दिन पहले

Hi there,

I am successfully displaying the data for a stock using the API via the PHP cURL method. However the stock data such as Previous Close, Open etc. is not being updated and no longer reflects what is shown on the Yahoo Finance website.

I see you answered another question about the data the API shows being up to date so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Even when I test this through Rapid API website the results returned are not matching what is on Yahoo Finance website.

Also I see this API is marked as private - why is this? Is this API not intended for mass use?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 18 दिन पहले


Yes, it is. …/stock/v3/get-chart endpoint provide live data and synced with the site.


Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
GhostPool2 Commented 18 दिन पहले

And hopefully the final question.

Is the data from the stock/v3/get-chart endpoint updated in real time so I can create a chart that updates continously just like on Yahoo Finance?

Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
GhostPool2 Commented 18 दिन पहले

Thank you. So to confirm the endpoint stock/v2/get-summary does not return real time data?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 18 दिन पहले


For realtime data, please prefer this endpoint …/market/v2/get-quotes?region=US&symbols=AAPL in the first place.
then search for the value “186.28” (you should not search by the field name as the same term displays in different sections and fool you) in the response data to get the correct JSON node.


Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
GhostPool2 Commented 18 दिन पहले

Incorrect screenshot please see: https://prnt.sc/alvkFZpaKTKP

Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
GhostPool2 Commented 18 दिन पहले

Thanks for your response.

Please see the screenshot (https://prnt.sc/9ajDeKmoNrxI) which shows the Apple stock on the Yahoo Finance page and my website at the time. For example the Previous Close value, which I’m calling from the stock/v2/get-summary, is different. Before the market opened the values were the same, but once the market opened the values don’t continue to update in real time.

I thought it may be caching on my site, but the same happens when you test the end point on RapidApi see screenshot: https://prnt.sc/alvkFZpaKTKP

Am I using the wrong endpoint, data or is this an issue with the API?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 19 दिन पहले

This API reproduces PUBLIC data and features of finance.yahoo.com.
You said that the returned data is not live or correct, didn’t you? Which page/section did you use to compare with the returned data from this API to judge that the data was not live? Please then provide the links and screenshots of the section as clue to prove what you said. The screenshot will also help me to confirm whether or not you did use the correct endpoint to extract the data from related section displayed on the page. Do you get it?
This is an example how endpoints are mapped to functions on the site https://prnt.sc/BsfFbC1-PvhZ If you do not use the correct endpoint to extract data from the section you want, your code will help nothing.


Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
GhostPool2 Commented 19 दिन पहले

I’ve provided you with the endpoint I am using and the exact code I am using. Why is this not enough?

You asked for a screenshot of a section - what does this mean? How is a screenshot going to help you figure out this issue? It may be a translation issue but to expect me to provide you with what you’re asking for when your sentence doesn’t make grammatical sense is difficult.

I can also give you a link to where I am using this code: https://ghostpoolstg.wpengine.com/api-tests/

I’m not sure what else I can provide.

Please don’t be so dismissive. I’m looking for help here. I’ve tried to provide you with the the information you need, but you need to be aware your grammar makes it difficult to understand what you are asking for.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 19 दिन पहले

Please read my reply again and provide enough information.

Rapid account: Ghost Pool 2
GhostPool2 Commented 19 दिन पहले

Thanks for the response.

I am using the endpoint “stock/v2/get-summary”

I’m returning the data using PHP cURL. An example of the code I’m using:


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