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API doesn't process more than 750 request at a time


I’ve subscribed to unlimited plan, but I cannot process more than 750 QR codes in single request. Can this limit be increased for processing more than 750 QR Codes?

Rapid account: Auysal 60 Iw Qqy LO Pz S
auysal60-IwQqyLOPzS Commented 10ヶ月前

Hi, I gave you the $45 pack for free.
If you check the $45 package, there is a limit of 5 requests per second.

There was no such limit in the $80 package, but since you had problems with the $80 package, I said that I would give you 1 more month of free usage instead of the $35 extra fee you paid. Because you passed the $80 package in vain, and I said I would give the $45 package free for 1 more month because of this.

There is a limit of only 5 requests per second,
If you need more than 5 requests per second, you’ll need to switch back to the $80 package.
There is no limit in this package.

Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 10ヶ月前

Hi Ali,

The QR issue I fixed it myself, there was some issue at my end. But the rate limit issue needs to be fixed. Please look into it.


Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 10ヶ月前

Hi Ali,

The plan that you’ve enabled for me is not same as the one I had subscribed earlier by paying $80. I am getting {“message”:“You have exceeded the rate limit per second for your plan, CUSTOM-ved-y_qFAfB-CrW, by the API provider”} error & also the QR that got generated somehow are all same.

Is your app working? Cuz this is an unusual error that I never encountered earlier on your platform.

Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 10ヶ月前


when I executed the command below it gave me error

curl --request POST
–url https://qrcodestyleapi.p.rapidapi.com/generate
–header ‘X-RapidAPI-Host: qrcodestyleapi.p.rapidapi.com
–header ‘X-RapidAPI-Key: <key>’
–header ‘content-type: application/json’
–data ‘{“width”:300,“height”:300,“data”:“https://tags.eco/REXECN",“margin”:0,“qrOptions”:{“typeNumber”:“0”,“mode”:“Byte”,“errorCorrectionLevel”:“H”},“imageOptions”:{“hideBackgroundDots”:false,“imageSize”:0,“margin”:0},“dotsOptions”:{“type”:“square”,“color”:"#000000",“gradient”:null},“backgroundOptions”:{“color”:"#ffffff"},“image”:null,“dotsOptionsHelper”:{“colorType”:{“single”:true,“gradient”:false},“gradient”:{“linear”:true,“radial”:false,“color1”:"#6a1a4c",“color2”:"#6a1a4c",“rotation”:“0”}},“cornersSquareOptions”:{“type”:“dot”,“color”:"#000000"},“cornersSquareOptionsHelper”:{“colorType”:{“single”:true,“gradient”:false},“gradient”:{“linear”:true,“radial”:false,“color1”:"#000000",“color2”:"#000000",“rotation”:“0”}},“cornersDotOptions”:{“type”:“dot”,“color”:"#000000"},“cornersDotOptionsHelper”:{“colorType”:{“single”:true,“gradient”:false},“gradient”:{“linear”:true,“radial”:false,“color1”:"#000000",“color2”:"#000000",“rotation”:“0”}},“backgroundOptionsHelper”:{“colorType”:{“single”:true,“gradient”:false},“gradient”:{“linear”:true,“radial”:false,“color1”:"#ffffff",“color2”:"#ffffff",“rotation”:"0”}}}’
{“message”:“400, bad request”}

Can you also look into this please

Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 10ヶ月前

I received this message while using api

You have exceeded the rate limit per second for your plan, CUSTOM-ved-y_qFAfB-CrW, by the API provider

Can you please fix this issue.


Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 10ヶ月前

Thank you Ali!

Rapid account: Auysal 60 Iw Qqy LO Pz S
auysal60-IwQqyLOPzS Commented 10ヶ月前

I’m describing you a free 1 month package, please accept the invitation.
After 1 month, you will need to switch to one of our paid packages.

You can subscribe to the package named “Custom-Ved-Y_qfafb-Crw” specially created for you from the prices menu.

Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 10ヶ月前

Hi Ali,

If you may recall, due to some technical issues that I faced while generating QR code using your app, you suggested me to switch to a custom plan for $80 that had unlimited request capabilities, but it didn’t solve my issue, and I had asked for a refund, for which you said you’ll enable it for a month in future whenever I need as refund was not possible.

If you can enable it for next 30 days, it would be great, but I would like to go back to your $45 plan and not be charged $80 again after it expires.

Thanks & Regards!

Ved Prakash
Trashless Inc

Rapid account: Auysal 60 Iw Qqy LO Pz S
auysal60-IwQqyLOPzS Commented 1年前

Yes, but when the plan end date comes, you have to change it manually, I can’t.

Rapid account: Ved Y Q F Af B Cr W
ved-y_qFAfB-CrW Commented 1年前

Got it, thanks. Will change it at the end of this plan, and will request you to enable the high usage plan whenever we need it.


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