Google Search JSON

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API Google Search JSON

The API Google Search JSON provides a convenient way to retrieve Google search results in JSON format. It offers four endpoints, each serving a specific purpose:


  1. /search/web

    • Function: Retrieve web search results.
    • Parameters:
      • q (required): The search query keywords.
      • gl (optional): Restricts the search to a specific country or region.
      • lr (optional): Specifies the language of the search results.
      • start (optional): The starting index of the displayed search results.
      • num (optional): The number of results to display in one request (1-20).
  2. /search/image

    • Function: Retrieve image search results.
    • Parameters:
      • q (required): The search query keywords.
      • gl (optional): Restricts the search to a specific country or region.
      • lr (optional): Specifies the language of the search results.
      • start (optional): The starting index of the displayed search results.
      • num (optional): The number of results to display in one request (1-20).
  3. /search/trendings

    • Function: Retrieve trending search results.
    • Parameters:
      • gl (required): The country or region code for displaying trending searches.
  4. /search/autocomplete

    • Function: Retrieve autocomplete suggestions while typing.
    • Parameters:
      • q (required): The keyword used to obtain autocomplete suggestions.
      • gl (optional): The country or region code for obtaining autocomplete suggestions.

Getting Started

To use this API, you can make HTTP requests to the respective endpoints with the required parameters. The responses will be returned in JSON format, providing the requested search results, trending searches, or autocomplete suggestions.

Make sure to include your API key in the requests for proper authentication and authorization.

For more details and examples, please refer to the API documentation.


Here are a few examples demonstrating the usage of the API endpoints:

  1. Retrieve web search results:
GET /search/web?q=keyword&gl=us
  1. Retrieve image search results:
GET /search/image?q=keyword&gl=us
  1. Retrieve trending search results:
GET /search/trendings?gl=us
  1. Retrieve autocomplete suggestions:
GET /search/autocomplete?gl=us&q=keyword


For any inquiries or support related to the API, please contact us at We would be happy to assist you.

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