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How do you handle your service user's annoying behaviors?

Rapid account: Murad Kablan
9 лет назад

I’m a PhD student at the Univ. of Colorado and I’m doing research on cloud computing and services. I am trying to understand some operational aspects of running a web service. To some degree, I understand the clear malicious attacks and protections against them. My question is: what are some non-malicious activities coming from your users (who are using your service) that you have experienced that are annoying or even affected your service (e.g., a user sending malformed requests, overwhelming your resources)?

Did you have to do something about it (even pre-emptively), and if so what (blocking user? sending warning to users? etc)

Thanks a lot,

Rapid account: Murad Kablan
murad.kablan Commented 9 лет назад

Thanks for your reply. Do you keep track of the source who caused you the problem, such as IP, to block it for example?

Rapid account: Blaazetech
blaazetech Commented 9 лет назад

its quite simple, one is limit throttling and other are variable analysis approach where we look for patterns and then take necessary controlling methods to prevent it happening again.

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